Chronic Pain as a Possible Cause of Falling

Chronic Pain as a Possible Cause of Falling

Chronic pain may be the reason adults older than 70 years of age have an increased chance of falling according to a study published in the November 25th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Dr. Suzanne G. Leveine is the lead author of the study who conducted the research and stated that the findings showed adults reported chronic musculoskeletal pain in two or more locations, mainly the joints of the arms and legs.

Doctors are able to use these findings to prevent injuries by informing elder patients about what may happen if they do not target the problem that has caused them pain or discomfort. The study was conducted using 749 adults over the age of 70. Those who were enrolled in Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect and Zest in the Elderly participated in the study.

Each participant was interviewed regarding their health and asked questions about their overall pain. In addition to the interview, patients underwent a physical examination by a nurse.  Within an 18 month span, the participants documented any falls that they had on a monthly calendar postcard which was returned to the institute. Researchers concluded: “During the 18-month study period, the 749 participants reported a total of 1,029 falls, with more than half the participants falling at least once during this period.” In addition, Leveille states that a comparison of participants who reported no pain with those who had chronic pain in at least two joints showed that the chronic pain group had a 50% greater risk of falling.

According to another study published in the American Academy of Family Physicians, the treatment of chronic pain involves an approach using medication and functional rehabilitation.  Seeking a physical therapist to eliminate pain can benefit you because they are trained, educated, and specialized in the treatment you may need.

At Island Sports Physical Therapy we know how difficult it is dealing with chronic pain and when it leads to falls in the elder generation it is important to seek help. Call us and let us help limit the pain and prevent future falls from happening.

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