heat exhaustion Long Island

Avoiding Heat Exhaustion on Long Island

With summer approaching, there are many fun outdoor activities to participate in. Although everyone will be itching to get outside and have fun it is important to do everything you can to avoid heat exhaustion during outdoor activities. Heat exhaustion happens more often than some people may think but it’s also easily avoidable as long as you follow some simple guidelines.

        One of the most important things to do is to make sure that you stay hydrated; this means drinking water at regular intervals even when you aren’t particularly thirsty. It is recommended that while participating in outdoor activities that you should drink 2 to 4 glasses of water every hour, you can even mix in a sports beverage instead of water in order to replace the salt that your body loses. When it comes to drinking fluids make sure you are not drinking beverages with alcohol in them because this can lead to becoming dehydrated even quicker. If you must drink, alternating between nonalcoholic beverages can help keep your body hydrated.  Another thing to make sure of is that the beverages you are consuming aren’t too cold because this can lead to cramping. A precautionary method that can be taken to avoid heat exhaustion is to limit your outdoor activity to the morning and evening hours this way it is still somewhat cool out. When you outdoors make sure to rest in shady areas regularly to limit yourself to exposure to the sun as well as to give your body a break. Make sure to also to wear protective clothing from the sun like a hat and sunglasses as well as to wear and reapply sunscreen throughout the day!

        The summer months are always the best out of the year, which makes everyone anxious to get outside and enjoy them, this is why making sure you are taking the appropriate precautions to avoid heat exhaustion while performing outdoor activities is critical. Heat exhaustion is dangerous and not something to be taken lightly, but following these guidelines, you’ll be able to enjoy your summer the right way and heat exhaustion free.


Physical Therapy for TMJ in East Northport, NY


Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ as it is usually referred to as is when the joint that connects the jaw to your skull becomes injured or damaged. TMJ can be caused by a number of oral issues, including trauma to the teeth or jaw, alignment issues, grinding of the teeth, stress, and even gum chewing and can cause pain in both the jaw as well as the rest of the upper body. Jaw-lock, ear popping, and headaches are just some of the uncomfortable symptoms of TMJ, and while there are at-home remedies which can help the condition, physical therapy may be your best option to solving the issue without any sort of invasive surgery.

Once you are diagnosed with TMJ, you should consult a physical therapist for help. If you live on Long Island, you can schedule an appointment with a physical therapist at ISPT for TMJ Therapy in Northport NY. Island Sports Physical Therapy offers constant hands-on treatments to all their patients. People are not aware that physical therapy can help cure TMJ, as it is usually reserved for those in the dental practice, but it presents the best option if you are looking to avoid surgery.

Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, New York, offers physical therapy for those with TMJ. A physical therapist will evaluate and diagnose your condition and will prescribe treatments to help you restore natural movement to your jaw while educating you on proper posture as it can make your TMJ worse. Common treatments for TMJ include exercises to strengthen the jaw and increase mobility, heat, ice, and ultrasound therapy, and training to correct jaw misalignment.

TMJ Therapy Northport NY

TMJ can be a very unpleasant condition and present many unwanted symptoms. Contact Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, New York, if you are looking for a noninvasive way to cure your TMJ.

Balance Therapy

People of all ages may experience some sort of difficulty in maintaining their balance throughout the day to day life, but they may not realize physical therapists can assist in improving their balance. Balancing is being able to maintain an even distribution of weight in order to stay upright, and by having good balance, the chance of falling will be less likely, along with the injuries that can occur from falling.

The reasons someone might be having difficulty balancing include muscle weakness, joint stiffness, inner ear problems, lack of activity, aging, and certain medications. Medical conditions may also be the cause of one’s balance issues, including strokes, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, arthritis, spinal cord injuries, cognitive diseases, and diabetes.

Meeting with a physical therapist can help in diagnosing your balance issues, which they will then be able to create a plan to improve your balance for the future. Discussing health history will be the physical therapist’s first duty in trying to diagnose the situation. Treatments can begin as soon as balance issues are diagnosed and evaluated.

Depending on the needs of the patient, a physical therapist’s treatments can vary. If someone is at a higher risk of falling, the physical therapist can help in assessing problem footwear or hazards in the home that may increase the risk of falling. The fear of falling may also decrease with the help of a physical therapist as they can help you regain confidence in your balance and mobility. Mobility can also be improved with the help of a physical therapist to ensure you move around with more ease and coordination, improving your balance overall.

Static balance, which is balance while standing or sitting still, and dynamic balance, which is maintaining balance while moving, can be improved with individualized exercises a physical therapist teaches their patients. Along with these exercises, there will be an increase in strength that will allow for improved balance. A physical therapist can be beneficial in assessing your balance issues and can help to improve your balance for years to come.

Chronic Pain as a Possible Cause of Falling

Chronic pain may be the reason adults older than 70 years of age have an increased chance of falling according to a study published in the November 25th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Dr. Suzanne G. Leveine is the lead author of the study who conducted the research and stated that the findings showed adults reported chronic musculoskeletal pain in two or more locations, mainly the joints of the arms and legs.

Doctors are able to use these findings to prevent injuries by informing elder patients about what may happen if they do not target the problem that has caused them pain or discomfort. The study was conducted using 749 adults over the age of 70. Those who were enrolled in Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect and Zest in the Elderly participated in the study.

Each participant was interviewed regarding their health and asked questions about their overall pain. In addition to the interview, patients underwent a physical examination by a nurse.  Within an 18 month span, the participants documented any falls that they had on a monthly calendar postcard which was returned to the institute. Researchers concluded: “During the 18-month study period, the 749 participants reported a total of 1,029 falls, with more than half the participants falling at least once during this period.” In addition, Leveille states that a comparison of participants who reported no pain with those who had chronic pain in at least two joints showed that the chronic pain group had a 50% greater risk of falling.

According to another study published in the American Academy of Family Physicians, the treatment of chronic pain involves an approach using medication and functional rehabilitation.  Seeking a physical therapist to eliminate pain can benefit you because they are trained, educated, and specialized in the treatment you may need.

At Island Sports Physical Therapy we know how difficult it is dealing with chronic pain and when it leads to falls in the elder generation it is important to seek help. Call us and let us help limit the pain and prevent future falls from happening.

How Physical Therapy Can Help With Arthritis

All arthritis, although known by many different forms, causes debilitating effects on the joints of your body. Nearly 1 in 7 Americans suffer from arthritis to various degrees. It is extremely important that if you suffer from arthritis, even only slightly, that you take action. Although there is no cure, there are things you can do to help manage your pain and stiffness as well as help reverse or prevent further joint degeneration.

A combination of rest and physical activity is critical. While it may be tempting to fully rest when an arthritis episode occurs, exercising the safe way is the only way to assuage your pain.  The correct motioning for exercise will vary depending on the location of your arthritic pain as well as the nature of the joint deterioration.

It is critical that you seek the help of a professional before embarking on a fitness routine if you have arthritic symptoms. A physical therapist will be able to diagnose your pain, understand the nature of your joint inflammation, and work with you through personalized exercises. A physical therapist will also provide you with an at-home regimen that will keep your arthritic pain at bay.

These exercises will help you with both your joint pain and help to reduce the inflammation in your joints. A physical therapist will monitor your lifestyle factors, both personally and professionally, in order to provide you with the best-personalized routine.

The way we carry out tasks in our daily lives can sometimes be detrimental to our physical health. Incorrect posturing, bending, or even walking can all make our arthritic symptoms worse. By visiting a professional, such as a physical therapist, you will be taught the safest ways to complete tasks that will prevent your arthritic condition from worsening.

When it comes to arthritis, pain management and prevention should be your ultimate goal. By seeking the help of a physical therapist, you will be setting yourself up for a lifetime of health and happiness.