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10 Tips for Preventing Common Summer Injuries

As the temperatures continue to climb, more of us are eager to spend more time outdoors. While spending time outdoors is good for your health, an increase in physical activity can lead to an increase in the risk of sustaining an injury. Our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy wants our patients to enjoy a pain-free summer. We want to share ten helpful tips for preventing common summertime injuries. 

  1. Warm-Up or Stretch Before Activities – Summer weather makes us want to get outside and go for a bike ride or head to the tennis courts. If you haven’t participated in these activities for a while, a few light stretches and warm-ups can prevent any new aches and pains from forming. 
  2. Stay Hydrated – Dehydration can quickly derail your summer fun. While it’s important to hydrate all year round, it’s crucial during the summer months. Drinking plenty of water can help you experience less fatigue and stress on your muscles and will keep your energy levels steady all summer long. 
  3. Wear Protective Gear – Another important tip for preventing injuries is to wear protective gear appropriate to your activity. Wearing helmets, knee pads, gloves, and properly fitting shoes can help you avoid scrapes, ligament tears, and even broken bones. 
  4. Wear Sunscreen – While wearing sunscreen won’t keep you from orthopedic injuries, it will keep you safe from sunburn and dangerous skin damage. 
  5. Exercise caution when using equipment – Using the proper body mechanics as you use equipment or perform certain activities can prevent injury. Our expert physical therapists can show you how to use different muscle groups when lifting and carrying heavy objects. 
  6. Strengthen your core – Strengthening your core can help you prevent injuries. Exercises like crunches, leg raises, and other rotational movements can help strengthen these muscles. Our team can provide you with workouts to improve your core strength and prevent back, hip, and knee injuries. 
  7. Train gradually for summer sports – Jumping back into your sport after a hiatus can lead to injuries. Get back in the game slowly and increase your training as you go to avoid getting hurt. 
  8. Stay fit during your sports off-season – When the season is over, it shouldn’t mean that you should stop training. Implement a consistent workout regimen that will keep your muscles and joints strong and healthy so you’re prepared for when the next season starts. 
  9. Eat a balanced diet – A balanced diet is only one component of an injury prevention plan, but it plays an important role. A healthy diet can help your body withstand strenuous activities. 
  10. Wear reliable shoes – Don’t overlook your footwear! Wearing the right shoes can help reduce the risk of gradually injuring different areas of the body. Don’t miss out on the summer fun with a foot injury!

Contact Us

One bonus tip for preventing injuries this summer is to visit us here at Island Sports Physical Therapy! Our team can help you create an effective injury prevention plan and provide quality physical therapy should you become injured. Contact our team today to schedule your appointment! 

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