Fall Prevention


An unfortunate aspect of the winter season is an increased risk of falls, accidents, and bone fracture. Bone bruises and breaks to the ribs, wrists, legs, and arms are very common during this time of the year, due to the harsh conditions that winter presents.  At Island Sports Physical Therapy, offering physical therapy in Nesconset, we want to make sure you are prepared this season by providing you tips and advice to help prevent falls in the winter-time. With various services led by our driven and experienced physical therapists, we offer rehabilitation and recovery assistance from injury. Come to visit us today at one of our six convenient locations throughout Long Island.

What Are the dangers of slipping or falling on ice?

Slipping can cause long-term injuries, especially to the neck and spine areas. Many people initiate a tendency to reach out land on their wrists when falling, potentially leading to tearing of the scaphoid bone and ligament. Other common injuries include concussions, dislocation of the joints, severe cuts and bruises that can lead to infection, and traumatic arthritis. The initial evaluation is essential for the treatment of your injury, but it’s also just as crucial to work with physical therapy to keep these injuries from escalating into long-term and debilitating problems.

Tips For Preventing Falls This Winter

  • Allow more time for traveling to and from your car. Never rush, and always wear properly fitting shoes for the winter time.
  • If you feel yourself losing balance, bend your knees slightly so that your center of mass is closer to the ground. Also, take short steps and try to prevent putting all the pressure onto one susceptible point like the wrists or elbow joints.
  • Avoid carrying heavy loads when walking on ice as this can force you to lose your balance and stability.
  • Always use support when walking up or down stairs, a narrow alley, or areas with little visibility.

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Be Better Prepared This Season

Physical therapy exercises can help increase your balance, mobility and overall fitness level this season to help you prevent falls. We can show you how to walk to avoid slips and falls appropriately. Also, working with state of the art equipment at Island Sports Physical Therapy, offering physical therapy in Nesconset, gives our patients an advantage of increasing muscle mass to help avoid injury this season. Physical therapy plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of life of our patients. If you are prone to falls, with high-risk groups including those who have suffered from a stroke or heart attack, elderly age patients with lower bone mass, and patients with problems with coordination, contact us today to find out how we can help you feel your best this season!  

Island Sports Physical Therapy
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