Heat vs. Ice: Which One Should You Use?


When dealing with an injury or sore muscles, you’re likely looking for a way to manage your acute symptoms quickly. Heat and ice therapy are both beneficial for treating pain, but each treatment works better for specific situations. Our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy would like to discuss when you should use heat or ice therapy for an injury. Continue reading to learn more!

Heat vs. Ice: Which One Should You Use?
Heat and ice each play essential roles in treatment, but it can be tricky to understand which to use. The general rule of thumb for most injuries is to use ice first and heat later. Most acute injuries cause your body to react with swelling and inflammation, so ice can be used to cool down the inflamed tissue and reduce swelling. Using heat for acute injuries would cause an opposite reaction, so it is best to use heat during recovery as you return to total health. Here are some conditions and injuries where you should use ice:
-Acute Injury
-Overuse Injuries
-Muscle Strain or Sprain
If you have any of the following painful conditions or injuries, heat therapy may help alleviate your pain:
-Neck Stiffness
-Muscle Injury
-Back Pain
-Muscle Spasms or Aches
Both heat and ice should be a part of your overall rehabilitation plan. While both of these methods can help alleviate some of your symptoms, working with experienced physical therapists at Island Sports Physical Therapy to get to the root cause of your injury and ensure a full recovery is essential.

Contact Us
Knowing the right times to use ice or heat therapy can significantly increase the effectiveness of your treatment. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, our team is here to evaluate your condition and determine the best course of treatment to get you back to an active and pain-free lifestyle. Be sure to contact us to learn more about ice and heat therapy and request an appointment today!

Island Sports Physical Therapy