Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Mount Sinai NYVertigo can make daily activities unbearable. Vertigo is basically boat-sickness, except occurring on dry land as well. It is the feeling that obviously stationary objects, or the world as a whole, are constantly moving. This can induce nausea without visiting Island Sports Physical Therapy vertigo physical therapy near Mount Sinai NY. 

What Is Vertigo?

Vertigo is typically a symptom of a larger disease itself. Sometimes it manifests as a side effect of prescription or illicit drug; sometimes it is neurological in nature. Vertigo can even be caused by irregular exercises, such as that which makes one spin in circles. Whatever the cause may be, Vertigo occurs when the brain loses coordination relating to balance. This then usually causes nausea and vomiting. It also usually results in an inability to walk properly. If Vertigo persists, it can make tasks like driving or operating heavy machinery dangerous. 

How is Vertigo cured at Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Mount Sinai NY?

Sometimes, Vertigo is cured by removing the underlying cause. Simply put, this might mean limiting the exercise causing Vertigo or switching to another medication, to name a few examples. If Vertigo still persists, the cause is likely neurological in nature, and medication exists that can limit its severity or stop it altogether. If it is relatively impossible or undesirable to end the exercise (perhaps you are a competitive gymnastics player) or the medication has no substitute, physical therapy may be an option. 

Physical Therapy for Vertigo At Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Mount Sinai NY

Physical therapy might be an option if you must live with Vertigo. Through sustained and coordinated exercise, you can increase the ability to focus and balance well while still having Vertigo. This method of overcoming the symptoms of Vertigo truly takes into account the idea of “mind over matter,” as it requires only dedication. If this interests you, starting vertigo physical therapy near Mount Sinai NY, ISPT maybe your best option. 

Physical Therapy: The Basics

Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Mount Sinai NY can be daunting for some. It’s typically meant to trigger the effects of Vertigo so one can overcome it or work through it. The method of exposing one to Vertigo is similar to those used to overcome a fear of public speaking. Usually, with greater exposure to the triggers of Vertigo, one can control its symptoms.

One of the most common exercises to overcome Vertigo is the Epley Maneuver. The Epley Maneuver makes use of the primary loci for balance, found in the ears (which is actually a small amount of liquid like a construction leveler). Usually, the patient will begin the exercise by:

  1. Sitting on a bed – the patient must be stationary.
  2. Turning their head 45 degrees to the right – moves the liquid in the ears.
  3. Quickly lying back with your head turned – this shocks the liquid and jostles it around.
  4. Turning your head 90 degrees to the left without raising it – Again, this repositions the liquid in the ear.
  5. Turn your head and body another 90 degrees to the left into the bed – Similarly, this repositions the liquid in the ear.
  6. Sit up on the left side – The patient has now come full circle, and the body and brain have essentially experienced all directions of movement.

The Epley Maneuver is extremely useful in helping to overcome Vertigo without medication. This, along with repeating exercises that trigger Vertigo if applicable, can make it bearable or even cure it. We perform the Epley Maneuver under close supervision in our vertigo physical therapy near Mount Sinai NY, ISPT. If the Epley Maneuver is not successful, alternative methods exist that we can perform.

Contact Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Mount Sinai NY

Although Vertigo might seem like a major setback for anyone with its symptoms, it can be overcome. Contact us today at Island Sports Physical Therapy, Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Mount Sinai NY, to schedule a free consultation.

Island Sports Physical Therapy