Resistance Bands For Physical Therapy

Why are resistance bands good for physical therapy in Dix Hills?

Island Sports Physical Therapy, physical therapy in Dix Hills, feels resistance bands are great tools to have because they are cheap but are just as effective as some of the more expensive fitness equipment. Near the end of your session, you can put on a resistance band and perform some simple exercises that will help increase strength or aid in rehabilitation after an injury. Using these bands during your workout will also help with muscle confusion, which is the reason why it’s important to be switching up your routines. It can seem hard to use resistance bands for physical therapy in Dix Hills because they are usually associated with more weight training-type activities, but there are many simple things you can do at home to make them useful in a rehabilitation context.

How do you use resistance bands for physical therapy at home?

If you are using them at home, it’s important that you start off slow because the exercises can be pretty strenuous. If done wrong, these activities will only complicate an injury instead of aiding in its healing process. It is best to first find out what type of injury you have and what movements you should avoid before starting physical therapy in Dix Hills with resistance bands. The majority of these exercises can be found in books or online, but it’s best to consult a doctor first because there are certain things that need an expert opinion to prevent further injuries from taking place.

It is important not to rush into anything when using resistance bands for physical therapy, and it’s also best to do these exercises after a proper warmup. This will ensure that your body is prepared for the potential pain or discomfort you may encounter when using resistance bands for physical therapy in Dix Hills.

What type of exercises can you perform with resistance bands?

Here are some examples:

Resistance band squats: place the resistance band around the bottoms of your feet and squat down like you normally would. Make sure that you tighten up your core muscles during this exercise because it helps with balance.

-Resistance band deadlift: hold the resistance band with both hands and then pull back on each end to create tension before standing up straight. Remember to keep your back straight while you do this.

-Res resistance band crunches: place the band around your feet and then perform a crunch. If done right, this should add some instability to your workout, which will help with strengthening your core muscles.


-Resistance band chest press: hold the resistance band securely in both hands and then bring it up to chest level before pushing it away from you.

-Resistance band rows: hold both ends of the resistance band with your hands and then pull back on it while keeping your palms facing down. If you feel discomfort, make sure that your shoulder blades are squeezed together tightly during this exercise.

-Resistance band tricep extensions: hold the resistance band with one 

hand and then place your other hand on your knee before slowly lowering down your arm behind you. When you feel resistance, make sure to push back up again.

Contact physical therapy in Dix Hills

The exercises listed above are just a few you can try at home when not at your physical therapist’s office. Taking part in similar exercises, you do at physical therapy in Dix Hills will be the most beneficial to you. To schedule an appointment with our staff, call ISPT. We have many locations throughout the island to make it easy and convenient for all!

Island Sports Physical Therapy
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