huntington orthopedic physical therapy

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Island Sports Physical Therapy offers Huntington orthopedic physical therapy. Our therapists are specialized and dedicated to dealing with common spine and muscle issues to improve our patient’s well-being. Here is a detailed overview of prevalent spine and muscle problems, their causes, symptoms, and available treatment options.Spine & Muscle Treatment in Riverhead, NY


  • Herniated Discs: Herniated disc issues are typically attributed to age-related wear and tear, injuries, or improper lifting during daily tasks or exercising. Some symptoms manifest as radiating pain, numbness, and weakness in affected areas. A solution to this problem involves physical therapy, pain management, and, in severe cases, surgical intervention.
  • Lower Back Pain: Lower back problems often arise from poor posture, muscle strain, injuries, or underlying health conditions. Due to this, the symptoms present as dull or sharp pain in the lower back. This pain creates a terrible inconvenience during daily tasks. Fixing this issue includes exercise programs, manual therapy, and necessary lifestyle adjustments.
  • Sciatica: Sciatica is another health issue that is related to the spine. This problem is a result of sciatic nerve compression, often due to a herniated disc. Patients typically experience sharp pain radiating down the leg, tingling, and numbness. The best treatment would be stretching exercises.


  • Muscle Strain: A widespread issue that stems from overexertion, improper lifting, or sudden movements is Muscle Strain. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and limited range of motion. The primary treatment for this physical issue involves rest. Another treatment that we are specialized to help patients with here at Island Sports Physical Therapy is Huntington orthopedic physical therapy; where we excel in tailored physical therapy plans that include stretching exercises for better mobility.
  • Muscle Sprains: During sport and training, the tearing of ligaments supporting muscles can occur. This issue can cause swelling, bruising, and pain in various muscles. Treatments require rest, elevation, compression, and dedicated rehabilitation exercises.
  • Myoclonus (Muscle Spasms):  Another common problem amongst adults is muscle spasms. This problem arises from dehydration, muscle fatigue, or electrolyte imbalances. We can identify this issue by sudden, involuntary muscle contractions. In this case, hydration, targeted stretching, and massage therapy are all beneficial treatments.

WHY CHOOSE Huntington Orthopedic Physical Therapy?

At Island Sports Physical Therapy, we specialize in providing individualized care for spine and muscle issues. Our experienced therapists employ advanced techniques, customized exercise programs, and a patient-centric approach to ensure optimal recovery. If you’re seeking effective Huntington orthopedic physical therapy, consider visiting Island Sports Physical Therapy for expert care and a commitment to your overall well-being.


Sciatica pain can be deeply uncomfortable and often debilitating. Sciatica is a highly prevalent condition, but many individuals suffer through pain without seeking help. Fortunately, our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy is here to help! We provide advanced rehabilitation to help patients manage their sciatica pain without invasive treatments. Continue reading below to discover physical therapy treatments for sciatica.Spine & Muscle Treatment in Riverhead, NY


Sciatica refers to pain when a nerve in the lower back is pinched, compressed, or injured. Sciatica can cause excruciating pain and other symptoms that extend and radiate from the back to the hip, leg, or foot. This type of pain usually affects people aged 30-50 years old and can stem from a variety of different factors. Some of the risk factors of sciatica may include:

  • Obesity.
  • Smoking.
  • Sedentary Lifestyles.
  • Poor Posture.
  • Repetitive Lifting.
  • Participation in Weight-Bearing Sports.

While sciatica pain symptoms can be disabling, physical therapy is a great way to help patients dealing with this kind of pain. Our therapists at Island Sports Physical Therapy are experienced movement specialists who will properly assess your condition and determine if you have underlying conditions that contribute to your sciatica. Our specialists will design an individualized treatment program to help patients with sciatica reduce their pain, move normally, and get back to an active lifestyle.



Our specialists at Island Sports Physical Therapy may utilize a combination of various forms of physical and manual therapies when treating sciatica. Your exercise program will depend on the underlying cause of your sciatica and other factors such as your overall fitness and pain level. Here are some of the most common physical therapy treatments for sciatica:

  • Strengthening Exercises – Therapeutic strengthening exercises include resistance and bodyweight exercises to improve strength in the lower back, abdomen, hips, and legs.
  • Manual Therapy – Our therapist may perform manual therapy techniques such as mobilization to apply pressure to an afflicted joint to restore range of motion, promote pain relief, and restore normal function.
  • Lifestyle Modifications – In addition to exercise, committing to proper posture while walking, sitting, or standing is vital for treating and preventing sciatica. Our team can help you modify your daily routine, teach you safe lifting techniques, and help you find good sleep postures to further promote pain relief.
  • Heat and Cold Therapy – Our therapists may use heat or cold packs to promote blood flow and reduce spasms and pain. Heat can help relieve pain by reducing muscle stiffness and tension, promoting relaxation, and preparing your body for your physical therapy session. Cold packs cause a numbing effect and restrict blood vessels beneath the skin. Cold therapy can help reduce swelling and pain and slow the reactions that cause inflammation and pain.

While this list of treatments is not exhaustive, our therapists will typically combine several treatment techniques to ensure optimal treatment. You may find movement hard to bear when your sciatica pain is severe. While rest is essential for recovery, prolonged inactivity can increase your pain. Regular physical activity is necessary to facilitate the flow of healing nutrients to injured areas that cause pain. That is why physical therapy is an essential component of resolving the symptoms and improving the long-term prevention of sciatica.

CONTACT US For Huntington Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Island Sports Physical Therapy specializes in back pain and sciatica relief therapies. We offer advanced therapeutic treatments to our patients and will work with you throughout your recovery to improve your overall function and relieve your pain. Your program will be targeted toward your unique needs and capabilities to ensure the best possible outcome. To learn more about physical therapy treatment for sciatica, be sure to contact our office today and request an appointment!

As the chill of winter sets in, Island Sports Physical Therapy is here to offer valuable insights on managing chronic pain during the colder months. For individuals grappling with persistent discomfort, navigating the winter season can pose unique challenges. However, armed with expert tips and techniques, you can reclaim control over your well-being and enjoy the season to the fullest.


The drop in temperature often intensifies chronic pain conditions, making it crucial to adopt a proactive approach. Island Sports Physical Therapy recognizes the need for personalized strategies to address specific pain issues. From arthritis to neuropathy, our team of experts is well-versed in tailoring interventions to suit your unique needs.


Engaging in regular, winter-friendly exercises can be instrumental in alleviating chronic pain symptoms. Low-impact activities such as water aerobics or indoor cycling provide a gentle yet effective way to stay active without exacerbating pain. Island Sports Physical Therapy incorporates targeted stretching and strengthening exercises into your routine to enhance joint mobility and reduce stiffness.


Appropriate attire can make a significant difference in managing chronic pain during colder weather. Island Sports Physical Therapy recommends investing in thermal clothing, especially for areas prone to pain. Keeping the body warm helps alleviate muscle tension and joint stiffness, promoting a more comfortable experience in the winter elements.


Coping with chronic pain involves not only physical but also mental well-being. Island Sports Physical Therapy encourages the practice of mind-body techniques such as mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises. These approaches can enhance relaxation, reduce stress, and contribute to overall well-being, even in challenging weather conditions.


Island Sports Physical Therapy is your committed partner in winter pain management. Our team collaborates with you to create a personalized plan, combining our expertise with your unique needs for effective chronic pain relief throughout the season.


Don’t let chronic pain limit your enjoyment of the season. Contact Island Sports Physical Therapy today to schedule an appointment. Our expert team is ready to empower you with personalized tips and techniques, ensuring you navigate the colder months with confidence and comfort. Embrace winter with confidence, knowing that Island Sports Physical Therapy is here to support your journey to wellness.

Benefits of Huntington Orthopedic Physical Therapy

When people hear the term physical therapy, it is often associated with treating an injury or pain. However, did you know that attending physical therapy- especially Island Sports Physical Therapy, Huntington orthopedic physical therapy, could actually prevent injury and improve your health overall? Physical therapy has been known to have a multitude of benefits as physical therapists use a variety of methods to help you live your most comfortable and healthiest life!

COMMON INJURIES THAT LEAD TO PTPhysical Therapy Suffolk County NY

We go through so many different motions each and every day, which may include sitting and working at a desk, exercising, and playing sports. Though we may not pay specific attention to our body placement or movements which may lead to discomfort throughout our bodies or slight injuries. The most common reasons a person may seek physical therapy might include:

  • Neck pain/ lower back pain
  • Problems with balance or mobility
  • Common sprains and muscle strains
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Respiratory problems and more

Although these are just a couple of popular problems/injuries, most can actually be prevented by attending physical therapy to prevent these pains and discomforts before they even occur.


  1. Improve mobility and movement: Even if you’re very active on a daily basis, yet are having trouble reaching your goals, this is most likely due to your lack of mobility. This simply means that you need to improve your flexibility. Flexibility refers to the ability of your joints to move in their full range of motion with no pain or discomfort. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our trained physical therapists are here to work with you and give you specific stretches and exercises to target the areas you need the most improving your flexibility and mobility overall.
  1. Avoid surgery: Surgery can be painful and expensive. Especially with all the resources available in today’s day and age, it is important to explore all possible options, leaving surgery as your last resort. Physical therapy is an excellent avenue to go down before making a final decision. Some conditions can certainly be treated using non-invasive methods, especially physical therapy to prevent further injury and prevent surgery as best as possible.
  1. Improve balance and prevent falls: When exercising at the gym, many people focus on strength and stretching, and balance exercises are often overlooked. The key to improving your balance is to create situations that challenge your balance. Our physical therapists will work closely with you while assigning specific exercises, often using special equipment to help your body adapt to change and improve your balance over time. Moreover, as you gain more strength and balance, fewer falls or injuries will occur.
  1. Coping and managing old age: Over time, many of the body’s prominent systems begin to break down. Additionally, conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis are common with old age that provide new challenges when living our daily lives. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to assisting aging adults and providing them with the right amount of care to properly and safely live out their lives. As well as education and prevention, simple exercises in geriatric rehabilitation include stretching, walking, and weightlifting.

HOW Huntington Orthopedic Physical Therapy Can Help?

Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our excellent team of physical therapists strives to work with each and every one of our patients, providing individual and specialized care, to ensure a more comfortable and healthier life. Make an appointment today to get started on your journey to a healthier life with less discomfort!

Island Sports Physical Therapy