physical therapy in huntington

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an inflammatory disease that results in joint pain. This occurs because the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body by mistake that causes inflammation in the joints as well as cause potential problems in certain organs like lungs, heart, and eyes. This can affect multiple joints at once, some of the common areas are hands, wrists, and knees. Are you in need of physical therapy in Huntington to help treat your Rheumatoid Arthritis? Contact our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy today. 

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The damage done to the joints causes chronic pain along with issues such as a lack of balance and misshapenness of the joints. If you are concerned you may have rheumatoid arthritis some common symptoms to look for are: 

  • Pain or aching in more than one joint 
  • Stiffness in more than one joint 
  • The same symptom on both sides of the body, like in both legs or both arms 
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fever 
  • Tenderness or swelling in more than one joint
  • Excessive fatigue 
  • A weakness of the body 

Risk Factors of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Along with these symptoms, there are also risk factors that can increase your likelihood of getting rheumatoid arthritis which include: 

  • Age- likelihood of getting this increases with age, it is most prevalent in adults in their sixties 
  • Sex- it is two to three times higher in women than men 
  • Genetics- some people are born with certain genes that can increase their risk so it is important to know your family history
  • Smoking- this also includes exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Birth history – women who have never given birth have a higher risk 
  • Obesity 

For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, the main goal is to decrease inflammation and relieve pain. Common treatments include medication, physical or occupational therapy, and regular exercise. In more extreme cases surgery is sometimes necessary to repair joint damage. Early and aggressive treatment is highly recommended which is why it is so important to keep an eye out for potential risks and signs of symptoms. 

How Can Physical Therapy in Huntington Help Your R.A.?

Physical or occupational therapies are extremely important for any treatment plan as they not only help to relieve symptoms but also help you regain the skills you need in your daily life. Physical therapy treatments are usually done with the goal to keep the patient moving since exercise is such an important part of the healing process. This will stimulate the muscles, bones, and joints to make them stronger and with the help of a professional physical therapist, you can make a plan that will be the most beneficial for you. A common session with a physical therapist dealing with rheumatoid arthritis may look like: 

  • Exercise- following the specific plan that will help the joints that are most affected 
  • Heat or Ice- after exercise treating the inflamed joints can relieve pain 
  • Massage- also for pain relief
  • Motivation- this can help push you to keep going and is another reason that working with a professional can be helpful 

Since symptoms can vary so much every individual’s journey with physical therapy will be different as well. This is why this is a treatment that can give you something that general exercise or medications can not. Treatment is based solely on you and a physical therapist will make a plan that is specific to you and your body. You can also gain more knowledge about your condition and the proper ways to treat it when you are not with a physical therapist, which is something you may not be able to figure out by doing exercise treatment by yourself.  

Contact Island Sports Physical Therapy in Huntington!

If you have or think that you may have rheumatoid arthritis and you are looking for physical therapy in Huntington, Long Island, then you should consider Island Sports Physical Therapy. Where you can receive quality and individualized care to help you through your treatment. 

Island Sports Physical Therapy
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