knee physical therapy in uniondaleIsland Sports Physical Therapy is a provider of physical therapy in Uniondale. We have great experience treating all kinds of injuries resulting from sports and other day to day activities. A common condition we treat is knee instability.

What Is Knee Instability?

Knee instability is when your knee moves from side to side. This can happen while playing sports, squatting, or even just walking around. This condition usually does not require surgery to treat.


Knee instability is not a condition by itself, it is the result of an injury or other medical condition. The usual cause is an injured ligament in the knee. Other causes may be:

  • ACL Injuries – The anterior cruciate ligament connects your femur to your tibia. This can be torn or strained when you put excessive stress on the ligament. This is a common injury in soccer players, as twisting the knee can be an easy way to cause this type of injury.
  • PCL Injuries – The posterior cruciate ligament is another major connective tissue that ensures your knee doesn’t bend back too far. If this ligament is injured, there is usually swelling of the knee very shortly after the initial injury. 
  • MCL Injuries – The medial cruciate ligament is on the inside of your knee. This ligament is responsible for preventing your knee from rotating too far. If this ligament is injured, you will most likely see swelling and feel pain localized to the inside of your knee.


Treating knee instability with physical therapy in Uniondale will be different for each case. This depends on how the injury happened, when it occurred, and what area of the knee was injured. Common treatments for knee instability are:


If your injury is not severe, medication and time will most likely heal it. We would recommend an over the counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory such as Ibuprofen or prescribe Naproxen. These medications will reduce inflammation in your knee and relieve the pain. 

Physical Therapy in Uniondale

Physical therapy in Uniondale can be used to heal knee instability if your injury can not be healed entirely with medication. There are numerous exercises and techniques we can provide you that can help get you back to your normal activities. Some exercises and techniques we provide are:

  • Straight Leg Raises – Lay on your back with your good knee bent and your foot flat on the floor. With your injured leg straight, lift it to the height of your bent leg. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.
  • Step-Ups – Start by standing on a stepping platform such as stairs or another raised surface. Step back with your good leg onto the floor behind you, bending your injured knee. Then, step back onto the platform. Repeat this 15-20 times, and then switch legs if needed.
  • Lateral Walking – Stand on both feet, and walk sideways one way. Then, walk back in the other direction. Take around 10-15 steps each way, repeat as needed.


In cases where your knee instability persists even after physical therapy in Uniondale, surgery may be required. There are a variety of surgeries that can be used to address specific knee injuries. The recovery time for these types of surgeries is usually six to eight months.

Contact Island Sports Physical Therapy in Uniondale

Island Sports Physical Therapy is a provider of physical therapy in Uniondale. Our doctors have many years of experience treating individuals who have sustained injury causing them to develop knee instability. We will develop a specialized treatment for your injury that maximizes your chance of regaining full use of your knee. 

Island Sports Physical Therapy