vertigo physical therapy near Stony Brook NY

Vertigo is a sensation of feeling-off balance. One who suffers from vertigo may feel like they are moving or spinning, even when they’re not. It also may feel like your surroundings are in motion when they aren’t. Vertigo is not a disease – it’s a symptom of varying conditions. Vertigo physical therapy near Stony Brook NY can relieve your symptoms and get you on track to enjoying your life. 


Types of Vertigo 

There are two main types of vertigo: 


Peripheral vertigo. A problem causes this in the inner ear or vestibular nerve areas, which connects the inner ear and brain and controls your balance. This is the most common type of vertigo in people. The most common causes of inner ear trouble that lead to peripheral vertigo are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuronitis, and Meniere’s disease. 


Central vertigo. This happens when there is a glitch in the brain, particularly in the cerebellum area. A disease of injury often causes central vertigo to the brain, such as head injuries, some illness, migraines, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, strokes, shingles in or near the ear, ear surgery, prolonged bed rest, diabetes, low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotensions), ataxia, and others. 


Symptoms of Vertigo 

Vertigo is often triggered by a change in the position of your head. Those who suffer from vertigo often describe the feeling of spinning, tilting, swaying, unbalance, and being pulled to one direction. Some other symptoms may include: 

  • Feeling nauseated 
  • Vomiting 
  • Abnormal or jerking eye movements 
  • Headaches 
  • Sweating 
  • Ringing in the ears and/or hearing loss 


Symptoms of vertigo may last for only a few minutes to a few hours or more. Symptoms can be managed and relieved through vertigo physical therapy near Stony Brook NY with Island Sports Physical Therapy. 


Vertigo and dizziness can often be confused. Both dizziness and vertigo are considered to be balance problems, although the two symptoms are different. With dizziness, it is an overall feeling of being unbalanced. For vertigo, it usually has sensations that you are moving or that your surroundings are spinning when they are not. If you are experiencing these symptoms call vertigo physical therapy near Stony Brook NY.


Treatments for Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Stony Brook NY

Treatment depends on several factors for each individual’s vertigo, including the root of cause. There are a few common vertigo treatments: 

  • Medication. By treating the root of cause for your vertigo, it can help ease the symptoms. For example, if you are experiencing vertigo due to an infection, you may be prescribed antibiotics. Besides that, there are several other medications to relieve other vertigo symptoms. 
  • Vestibular rehabilitation. If you experience vertigo due to an inner ear problem, vestibular rehabilitation is a form of vertigo physical therapy near Stony Brook NY that may help reduce your symptoms. This form of PT works to strengthen your other senses so that they can compensate for vertigo episodes. 
  • Canalith repositioning procedure (CRP). If you suffer from BPPV, this procedure helps move calcium deposits into an inner ear chamber where your body will absorb them. It is a method to remove the crystals trapped in the ear’s semicircular canal. This is used when the cause of vertigo is the displacement of small calcium carbonate crystals within the inner ear. 
  • Surgery. If vertigo is due to a serious underlying issue, such as a brain tumor, undergoing surgery may be necessary for recovery. 


Vertigo Physical Therapy Near Stony Brook NY

The symptoms of vertigo can be frustrating and uncomfortable for those suffering. Island Sports Physical Therapy, vertigo physical therapy near Stony Brook NY, offers individualized treatment and personal care for each patient for physical therapy and recovery. Contact us today to request your appointment! 


Island Sports Physical Therapy