physical therapy near Stony Brook NYWhen you think of physical therapy, you might imagine someone recovering from a sprained ankle or a recent surgery. They are probably engaging in exercises and stretches to build strength and improve mobility. This is all quite accurate. Orthopedic physical therapy is quite commonly used for a whole range of recovery paths, but it is not the only type of physical therapy. In fact, there are four other types equally as impressive and effective. Focusing on differences due to a patient’s medical history, age, or condition, there are many paths to rehabilitation. To get started with your ideal form of physical therapy near Stony Brook NY, visit our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy.


Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Most representative of “typical” physical therapy, orthopedic physical therapy is designed to help treat the musculoskeletal system, which includes the muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Whether someone has a disorder, has been injured, or is recovering from surgery, an orthopedic therapist can help with diagnosis and treatment through physical therapy near Stony Brook NY.


Some of the most common conditions seen in orthopedic physical therapy include sports injuries, arthritis, fractures, tendonitis, sprains, and amputations.


Orthopedic treatment may consist of exercises and joint mobilization to improve the strength and mobility of the affected area. The usage of heat packs, cold packs, and electrical stimulation may boost recovery speed.


Pediatric Physical Therapy

Focusing on infants, children, and teenagers, pediatric physical therapy is aimed at diagnosing and treating issues of the muscles, joints, and bones. This includes any injuries, disorders, or diseases of these parts. Some of the more common of these include developmental delays and cerebral palsy. Pediatric physical therapists also work on early detection of any health problems, like spina bifida and torticollis, which they may also help treat.


Treatments within pediatric physical therapy focus on building strength and endurance, improving both gross and fine motor skills, and increasing balance and coordination. Apart from these physical aspects, cognitive and sensory processing are also improved.

physical therapy near Stony Brook NYGeriatric Physical Therapy

As adults age, several normal issues could come about. Assisting those dealing with anything like arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, osteoporosis, or incontinence, geriatric physical therapists are very helpful. Geriatric physical therapy near Stony Brook NY helps these older individuals with the management of these issues by creating programs to reduce pain, increase their physical activity, and simply help them move better.


This is not the only type of physical therapy used by older individuals, however. Depending on their needs and health condition, they may be involved in the following two types of physical therapy, as well.


Neurological Physical Therapy

Working with individuals with neurological disorders or diseases, neurological physical therapists help their patients make improvements in their areas of dysfunction. These areas may include vision, paralysis, balance, walking, or functioning independently. Some of the disorders that these individuals might be dealing with include brain injury, stroke, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, or Alzheimer’s disease.


Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation physical therapists assist those with cardiopulmonary disorders or who have had cardiac or pulmonary surgery. Treatment is done to increase the independence and endurance of the patient.


Physical Therapy Near Stony Brook NY at Island Sports Physical Therapy

Physical rehabilitation should not be attempted alone. Our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy understands this and emphasizes the importance of patient education, “hands-on” care, and personal supervision. Consistently providing our patients with appropriate and personalized care is the key to full recovery. No matter your rehabilitative goals for physical therapy near Stony Brook NY, our team is ready to help you! Contact us today to book an appointment!

Island Sports Physical Therapy