vertigo physical therapy near St James NYVertigo is a balance disorder symptom, which means you have trouble with stability, but can be improved by vertigo physical therapy near St James NY. Since vertigo is a symptom, it is not strictly hereditary. However, it can be connected to a variety of conditions, some of which may be hereditary. Therefore, learning about your family health history might help identify the cause of your vertigo. If you suffer from vertigo, contact vertigo physical therapy near St James NY.


The symptom of vertigo is commonly connected to the inner ear, which contains fluid and sensors inside the canal, which is responsible for the balance. If you develop an ear infection, it can cause problems with balance, but this does not necessarily mean that you have vertigo. There are more symptoms and experiences that comprise vertigo. 


If you are experiencing frequent vertigo spells, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible because it can potentially be linked to a serious health condition. For example, vertigo is associated with stroke, tumors, multiple sclerosis, and migraines. If you are concerned about vertigo, visit our vertigo physical therapy near St James NY, or make an appointment online.


Signs and Symptoms


Vertigo, while in itself not a dangerous condition, can be scary to experience. A primary indicator that you are experiencing a vertigo spell is that it can feel like the room is spinning. If you are unsure about your symptoms, visit our vertigo physical therapy near St James NY. 


Other symptoms of vertigo include:

  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty focusing with the eyes
  • Nausea 
  • Loss of hearing


While some of these symptoms may overlap with other conditions, it is critical to keep track of how many symptoms you are experiencing to confirm your condition. If you are experiencing some of these symptoms along with feeling the sensation that the room is spinning, you likely are experiencing vertigo.




While vertigo is not life-threatening in and of itself, it can be dangerous, especially for older people. The symptoms of vertigo can increase the likelihood of a fall, which can be dangerous. Also, it can cause you to become disoriented with your surroundings which can be dangerous. If you are living with vertigo, you should always let someone know where you are going, and if possible, travel with someone else to help you in case your symptoms act up. 


This is why you should not wait to get treatment started. If you have vertigo, getting treatment can be life-changing. Vertigo spells should not take you by surprise and wipe out your day. By starting physical therapy, you can take back the power over vertigo and get stronger.


In order to reduce the symptoms, it is critical to avoid making any quick movements because that can exacerbate the symptoms, especially dizziness, if you stand up too quickly. Sometimes using a walking assistant like a cane might be helpful with balance and provide a feeling of safety when you are out.


Aside from managing the symptoms with lifestyle adjustments, balance therapy can help to improve your condition. We offer vestibular and balance training at our vertigo physical therapy near St James NY. 


Vestibular and balance training can help with coordination and joint stability, with exercises in mind to help alleviate the frustrating symptoms of vertigo that are interrupting your life.


Make An Appointment: Vertigo Physical Therapy Near St James NY


If you think that you have vertigo, visit our vertigo physical therapy near St James NY, to get started on your treatment. The sooner you start, the sooner you can get back to doing what you love. Vertigo should not stop you from living or inhibit your quality of life. Visit our website to learn more about our vestibular and balance training therapy program.

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