Physical Therapy in St James NY

It is essential to maintain health throughout our lives, and Physical Therapy in St James NY can help. However, our bones and body parts become more susceptible to injury as we age. The general weakening of our bodies makes it even more challenging to focus on preventing injuries. It is important to treat injuries and get help when an injury does occur, no matter your age. A Geriatric Rehabilitator is essential to maintaining your overall health as you age. A geriatric rehabilitator will help provide physical therapy designed for you and your specific abilities. It is necessary not to create more injuries for yourself by partaking in strenuous activities. Our Geriatric Rehabilitators at Island Sports Physical Therapy, are here for you! Our Physical Therapy in St James, NY, will get you back to feeling pain-free to enjoy your everyday activities!


Common Conditions Treated

A geriatric rehabilitator specializes in helping those who suffer from specific illnesses and conditions that impact those of an older age. Most of the time, patients seeking senior care are at or above 65. Geriatric Rehabilitators receive training to help those suffering from the following conditions: 

  • Arthritis: a condition that causes swelling of the joints. It can happen to essentially any joints throughout the body, most commonly the knee, wrists, Physical Therapy in St James NYand fingers. A Geriatric Rehabilitator can help patients struggling with arthritis by providing exercises and stretches to strengthen and decrease the inflammation of the area. 
  • Balance Disorders: no matter the cause of these imbalances (neurological, physical, etc.), a geriatric rehabilitator can help the patient focus on specific exercises and practices to rebuild balance. 
  • Fall Prevention: Unfortunately, falls are common among geriatric patients. These falls are usually due to the weakening of the extremities over time in the elderly. More specifically, osteoporosis (the weakening of bones) can lead to falls which are more common in older women. This makes it easier to fall off of something, trip, and not be able to catch your balance. Rehabilitators can help geriatric patients by developing strength and balance to prevent falls in the future, even if they have weaker bones. 
  • Strokes: Strokes can cause severe damage to someone’s ability to move, talk, and complete daily activities (ex., eating). A geriatric rehabilitator can help patients with lost movements due to strokes. Rehabilitators can help patients reteach the movements they lost due to the stroke.

Physical Therapy in St James NYUnfortunately, geriatric patients are prone to various conditions that younger patients don’t typically have. That is why it is essential to see specifically a geriatric rehabilitator for problems and conditions that you may have as a geriatric patient. Geriatric Rehabilitators are trained and experienced in these conditions and will help ensure that you are doing the proper rehabilitation exercises. Our physical therapy in St James, NY, has the best Geriatric Rehabilitation program to get you back to feeling better and stronger. 


Contact Us

Island Sports Physical Therapy offers various services to patients of all ages. We want our geriatric patients to feel comfortable with our experienced professionals. Our geriatric rehabilitators focus on putting their patients first and allowing each patient to move at their own pace. Contact us today to visit our Physical Therapy in St James, NY.

Island Sports Physical Therapy