Golfer’s elbow, often referred to as medial epicondylitis, is a condition that occurs when there is inflammation and tenderness in the muscles on the inside of the elbow and the forearm. This causes pain that can sometimes spread to your forearm and wrist. Golfers’ elbows result from overuse and general wear and tear of the tendons, bones, and muscles in the area, which are used for grasping and flexing the wrist. If you are experiencing pain inside your elbow and forearm, contact Island Sports PT to make an appointment and learn about physical therapy in Elwood.
Causes of Golfer’s Elbow
Golfer’s elbow develops due to damage to the muscles and tendons that control your wrist and fingers. This often occurs because of excess or repeated stress. Other causes of the golfer’s elbow include improper lifting, hitting, throwing, and insufficient warm-up or poor conditioning. Golfer’s elbow generally occurs when the activity is done for more than an hour a day consecutively.
Activities besides golf that lead to golfer’s elbow:
- Racket sports- such as improper technique with tennis strokes and excessive use of topspin, and even using a racket that is too small or heavy can lead to injury.
- Sports that require throwing- improper pitching technique in baseball can cause injury. Throwing in football and archery can cause a golfer’s elbow as well.
- Weight training- not lifting correctly, like curling the wrists during an exercise of the biceps, can burden the elbows, muscles, and tendons.
- Forceful and repetitive occupational movements- this includes jobs like construction, plumbing, and carpentry.
Pain experienced from a golfer’s elbow can be immediate or occur gradually, and it can worsen with movements like swinging a golf club. Symptoms are as follows:
- Pain and tenderness- this occurs on the inside of the elbow and can often extend along the inside of the forearm.
- Stiffness- a stiff elbow and pain when making a fist can occur.
- Weakness- weakness in hands and wrists.
- Numbness or tingling- this can happen in one or more fingers, usually the ring and middle fingers.
How Physical Therapy in Elwood Can Help
Seeking treatment for the golfer’s elbow is imperative. If an inflamed tendon goes untreated due to its lack of blood supply, it can begin to tear. To avoid this or anything more serious, contact our office to learn more about physical therapy in Elwood. Together, you and our physical therapist can formulate a personalized treatment plan based on your particular condition and end goal. Treatments that can be utilized include:
Pain Management
To help your inflamed tendon heal, your physical therapist will help you both identify and avoid movements that may cause pain. Some treatments your physical therapist may recommend or use include:
- Ice, ice massage, or moist heat- icing the area for 15-20 minutes at a time, around 3-4 times a day for a few days. To help protect the skin, make sure the ice packs are wrapped in a thin towel. Massaging the inner elbow with ice for five minutes, 2-3 times a day, might also be effective.
- Iontophoresis- This is where medication is delivered through an electrically charged pack
- Ultrasound
- Bracing or Splinting- this can contribute to reducing strain in the tendon and muscle.
Pain management may often include ceasing the work or activity contributing to the pain to avoid prolonging healing time.
Manual Therapy
Some manual techniques can be incorporated to aid muscles in regaining entire movement. Techniques such as:
- Gentle joint movements
- Soft-tissue massage
- Elbow, forearm, and wrist stretches
- Manual stretching and similar techniques on the shoulder and thoracic spine- Other areas can also be affected by conditions in separate parts of the body because of muscle interrelation and tissue connections.
Range of motion exercises
Exercises that focus on mobility along with self-stretches can help you maintain proper movement in both your elbow and wrist.
Strengthening exercises
This is based on your physical therapist’s observance of your progress and how much your pain has decreased. Your physical therapist will provide you with exercises to do at home to keep up with after your treatment in the office is complete. These exercises will help you maintain strength in your arm, forearm, elbow, and hand. Exercises will, however, vary and depend on your particular condition. They can include:
- Isometric exercises– also referred to as muscle contractions
- Resistance exercises that challenge your weaker muscles– this usually involves weights, medicine balls, or resistance bands
Thankfully, there are several ways you can prevent a condition like golfer’s elbow.
- Strengthen your forearm muscles– this can mean using light weights or even squeezing a tennis ball. Small, simple exercises like these are beneficial for helping your muscles absorb the energy of unexpected physical stress.
- Adjust your form or technique– this will help avoid overloading your muscles and allow your muscles to absorb less shock.
- Stretch beforehand– make sure you walk or job before your activity to help warm up your muscles. Gentle stretches before and after a game are also significant.
- Use proper equipment– using equipment that is older or not the right size for you can often lead to an avoidable injury.
- Lift properly- make sure you keep your wrist rigid and stable to help reduce any force to your elbow
- Stay hydrated- drink plenty of water before, during, and after a game.
- Listen to your body and rest when necessary– to avoid overuse and stress on your elbow, take a break when you feel any pain.
Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood
If you are experiencing pain from a golfer’s elbow, our physical therapist at Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood is here to help. Sports injuries, like golfer’s elbow, are common, and we understand the physical demands our patients must meet to be successful. We want to help make sure you achieve full recovery to return to play and go back to know how to prevent and future injuries. Contact us today to learn more!