Benefits of A Fitness Program
Benefits of A Fitness Program

Staying fit is not an easy process for everyone. However, whether you are an athlete or someone who is sedentary, you must do your part in maintaining your health levels. Failing to do so can lead to injuries taking place. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, we do not want to see this happen to our patients. That is why we would like to share the importance of creating a fitness program, and the benefits that come along with following this program.
What Is A Fitness Program?
Trying to improve your fitness levels blindly can quickly prove to be a difficult task. When you don’t have a plan, it makes it much easier to lose motivation and give up on your workout habits. That is what makes fitness programs so beneficial. A fitness program allows you to take an active role in your health by choosing the goals you want to hit and how they can be accomplished. You can come up with your program on your own, or you can work with our knowledgeable physical therapists to help create one that best suits your needs.
Determining Your Goals
The first step in creating a fitness program is to determine the goals you’d like to achieve. Make sure the goals are not too extreme, as failing to meet them can drain your will to keep with your program. Setting reasonable, achievable goals with the help of our physical therapists improves the chances of long term success with your program. Examples of goals can include the following:
- Losing weight.
- Building muscle.
- Improving your athletic performance.
- Eating better.
Achieving Your Goals
Once your goals have been set, you can begin working toward achieving them. The exact aspects of your fitness program will vary depending on your health levels and what you are trying to accomplish. However, you can rest assured that our team will work with you to create the most optimal path to reach your goals. Below are some examples of what can be worked into your fitness program:
- Daily cardiovascular exercises, such as running or walking.
- A strengthening program using free weights or your body weight.
- Circuit training or high-intensity interval training.
- Creating a food journal to hold yourself accountable for what you are eating.
Keep Your Program Fluid
Just like with anything else in life, aspects of your fitness program should always be changing. When you meet your goals, you shouldn’t just stop your program. You should set new goals to meet so you can constantly improve your fitness levels. Changing the workouts you perform will also be beneficial. Those who stick to a routine for too long increase their chances of plateauing, making it harder to make progress. By keeping your body guessing, you’ll ensure that your fitness needs are always being met.
The Importance Of Fitness
Some people fail to realize that fitness is about more than just looks and athletic performance. While those two things are certainly perks that come with going through with a fitness program, they shouldn’t be your priority. Our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy knows about the benefits that fitness can bring. When you regularly partake in physical activity, you’ll be able to improve the below:
- Sleep.
- Mood.
- Energy.
- Metabolism and brain function.
- Bone density.
Working With Island Sports Physical Therapy
If you’re a novice to working out, the beginning phases can often be the most stressful. Not knowing where to start can doom your journey before it truly begins. That is why we want to stress that there is no shame in asking for help when creating a fitness program. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, our team is highly trained and can help patients and clients reach their goals. Our team will perform the necessary fitness evaluations required to create a launching point for your fitness program. To learn more about how we can help, and why fitness programs are so important, contact us today.