Physical Therapy in Elwood

The Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood team is an outpatient physical therapy practice that specializes in orthopedic and neurological conditions, spanning from pediatric to geriatric populations. We also offer wellness programs as well as conditioning programs for the weekend warrior to the high-level athlete.

Why Choose Us?

With Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood, our treatment philosophy is individually based on a specific emphasis on our patient’s goals which they want to achieve.

Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood has been a source of treatment and education for the North Shore of Long Island for the better part of the last twenty years and has strong ties to the local medical and residential communities. The hallmark of our treatment philosophy is education on how to maintain the goals achieved in our office. We provide a specifically tailored program for each person to continue at home to ensure wellness now and for the future.


Can Physical Therapy Help Treat Carpal Tunnel?

physical therapy in ElwoodAre you struggling with pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome? Fortunately, research shows that physical therapy can help alleviate many of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are seeking treatment for carpal tunnel look no further than Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood.  Our dedicated team of therapists will ensure that you can put your pain in the rearview mirror!

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that stems from pressure on the median nerve, which runs through your forearm to the hand and wrist on the palm side. When the nerve is under pressure, it compresses, causing several uncomfortable symptoms. It is believed that several common daily activities like using a computer mouse or driving heavy machinery that vibrates can put excessive pressure on the nerve, and over time this can lead to the development of carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome triggers a few main symptoms in the wrist and hand. Some of these symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Tingling and pain that moves through the forearm up to the shoulder
  • A sensation of electric shocks in the fingers
  • A weakness of the hand and wrist
  • Numbness of fingers

Treating Your Carpal Tunnel With Physical Therapy

The goal of any type of physical therapy is to restore the patient to their prior condition and maximize functionality by reducing symptoms without surgery. Although there is no single cure for carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapy in Elwood can work wonders for mitigating the symptoms by reducing pain and restoring the mobility of your fingers. Specifically, “gliding” exercises that focus on the median nerve and the surrounding tendons have proven to be effective in treating carpal tunnel.

A study of 120 women, half of whom had surgery and half who opted for physical therapy found that those who engaged in physical therapy had less pain and better mobility than those who had surgery. Physical therapy will teach you countless valuable exercises that focus on strengthening the hand and wrist, as well as improving flexibility.

Once mastered, these exercises can often be done at home at your own leisure. A key aspect of rehabbing carpal tunnel syndrome is only doing what you feel comfortable with. The phrase “no pain no gain” doesn’t apply here, as doing exercises you find painful will only make your condition worse. It takes a skilled physical therapist to determine the fine line where you are pushing yourself, but not too hard to the point where it is counterproductive.

How Can Physical Therapy in Elwood Help?

Beyond learning exercises that can help mitigate your carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapists are extraordinarily skilled at helping you make slight changes to your life that can make a world of difference. For instance, changing your posture and your wrist positioning as you do certain tasks can alleviate some of the pressure on the median nerve, decreasing the severity of your symptoms.

Oftentimes, it is recommended that you wear a brace at night to ensure that the wrist is straight and the pressure placed on the median nerve is limited. Simple lifestyle changes like these can go a long way in helping treat carpal tunnel syndrome, and you will receive the best advice and treatment by visiting Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood.

Contact Us At Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood!

If you are seeking physical therapy in Elwood to alleviate your carpal tunnel symptoms, there simply is no better choice than Island Sports Physical Therapy. To schedule an appointment, contact us using this link!

Common Causes of Back Pain

physical therapy in ElwoodIt is estimated that about 80% of the population will experience a back pain or problem at some point in their lives. Additionally, painful episodes may occur at least once a year and in about 90 percent of all cases, the pain subsides over time without having to resort to surgery. Physical therapy, especially Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood, is just one of the many ways to treat, maintain, and cure debilitating back pain.

Why Does My Back Hurt?

Being such a common pain in Americans no matter the age, there is an array of reasons why back pain may occur. These are some causes of back pain include but are not limited to:

  • Spine-related problems
  • Herniated or slipped discs
  • Accidents and injuries
  • Sprains or strains
  • Lifestyle triggers (daily life activities which are causing pain may include: slouching at a desk, being overweight, lifting heavy objects, not exercising, and even smoking)
  • Emotions (Stress may lead to tension in your back causing pain)
  • And much more

Symptoms Back Pain May Bring

As you can see above, the causes of back pain are large, many self-inflicted due to bad habits, while others are caused by accident or injury. Even though you can develop back pain from a variety of different ways and methods, the symptoms are often very similar overall. Specific symptoms of back pain may include:

  • Persistent aching or stiffness
  • Sharp, localized pain
  • Chronic aching
  • Back pain that radiates from the lower back to the buttock, down the back of the thigh, and into the calf and toes.
  • Pain or muscle spasms occur when standing up straight

Treatment of Back Pain With Physical Therapy in Elwood

If left untreated, your back pain will simply get worse and worse, preventing you from living your best life and causing more discomfort over time. Treatment options range widely depending on the cause of your condition and there are many easy home remedies and steps you can take before going forward with any medical help. Some treatments include:

  • Rest! It is recommended to lay on your back with a pillow under your knees, which allows your back to stay in a neutral and comfortable position. However, do not rest for long periods of time because long periods of inactivity may cause the muscles to weaken.
  • Heating pad and/or ice
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Prescription medications
  • Exercise

How Physical Therapy in Elwood Can Help! 

Experiencing back pain and want to get back to a normal, more comfortable life? Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood is here to help you! Our team of dedicated physical therapists focuses on providing you with the best care possible as well as guiding you towards an effective recovery. Our trained therapists will work with you one-on-one, guiding you through the exercises and movements necessary to help you. Some exercises may include:

  • Passive therapies: heat, ice, spinal manipulation, and ultrasound.
  • Active therapies: a personalized exercise program designed to reduce stiffness, and improve flexibility, balance, coordination, and strength.

Our office for physical therapy in Elwood is always here and ready to assist you with your back pain! Visit our website for more information, contact us by calling 631-421-8700 or schedule an appointment with us right away. We cannot wait to help you get back to living a more comfortable, healthy lifestyle.

How Can Physical Therapy Help Prevent Injury?

physical therapy in ElwoodWhen people hear the term physical therapy, it is often associated with treating an injury or pain. However, did you know that attending physical therapy- especially Island Sports physical therapy in Elwood, could actually prevent injury and improve your health overall? Physical therapy has been known to have a multitude of benefits as physical therapists use a variety of methods to help you live your most comfortable and healthiest life!

Common Injuries That Require PT

We go through so many different motions each and every day, which may include sitting and working at a desk, exercising, and playing sports. Though we may not pay specific attention to our body placement or movements which may lead to discomfort throughout our bodies or slight injuries. The most common reasons a person may seek physical therapy in Elwood include:

  • Neck pain/ lower back pain
  • Problems with balance or mobility
  • Common sprains and muscle strains
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Respiratory problems and more

Although these are just a couple of popular problems/injuries, most can actually be prevented by attending physical therapy in Elwood to prevent these pains and discomforts before they even occur.

4 Ways Physical Therapy Prevents Injuries

  1. Improve mobility and movement: Even if you’re very active on a daily basis, yet are having trouble reaching your goals, this is most likely due to your lack of mobility. This simply means that you need to improve your flexibility. Flexibility refers to the ability of your joints to move in their full range of motion with no pain or discomfort. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our trained physical therapists are here to work with you and give you specific stretches and exercises to target the areas you need the most improving your flexibility and mobility overall.
  1. Avoid surgery: Surgery can be painful and expensive. Especially with all the resources available in today’s day and age, it is important to explore all possible options, leaving surgery as your last resort. Physical therapy is an excellent avenue to go down before making a final decision. Some conditions can certainly be treated using non-invasive methods, especially physical therapy in Elwood to prevent further injury and prevent surgery as best as possible.
  1. Improve balance and prevent falls: When exercising at the gym, many people focus on strength and stretching, and balance exercises are often overlooked. The key to improving your balance is to create situations that challenge your balance. Our physical therapists will work closely with you while assigning specific exercises, often using special equipment to help your body adapt to change and improve your balance over time. Moreover, as you gain more strength and balance, fewer falls or injuries will occur.
  1. Coping and managing old age: Over time, many of the body’s prominent systems begin to break down. Additionally, conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis are common with old age that provide new challenges when living our daily lives. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to assisting aging adults and providing them with the right amount of care to properly and safely live out their lives. As well as education and prevention, simple exercises in geriatric rehabilitation include stretching, walking, and weightlifting.

Physical Therapy in Elwood Can Help! 

Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our excellent team of physical therapists strives to work with each and every one of our patients, providing individual and specialized care, to ensure a more comfortable and healthier life. Make an appointment today to get started on your journey to a healthier life with less discomfort!

Post-Stroke Physical Therapy

Did you know that more than 795,000 Americans suffer from a stroke each year? Well, recovering from a stroke can be just as daunting as that number sounds. Rehabilitation after a stroke can often be a lengthy process. Most stroke patients are trying to recover parts of their brain that have been impaired. It can affect not only their speech but also their cognitive, sensory, and motor skills, as well. Putting in the work is vital for stroke patients, but also having the right support can make a huge difference. If you have been searching for physical therapy in Elwood, contact Island Sports Physical Therapy. We offer a wide range of services, as well as rehabilitation physical therapy for stroke patients. This can make a huge difference in your recovery process

How does the brain recover after a stroke?

There are several possible ways that stroke patients can regain function in their brain: 

  • Changing the way certain tasks are performed and completed.
  • If blood flow were restored to certain parts of the brain, cells would be able to begin functioning the same way, again, over time. 
  • Certain parts of the brain may step in and provide support for the areas that were affected or damaged by a stroke.

The skills you can recover

The overall goal of rehabilitation is to regain the normal function that a patient had before the event of a stroke. Some of the skills you can work to achieve through rehab include: 

  • Speech Skills – Strokes can often cause a language impairment called Aphasia. This condition affects how one speaks and formulates sentences. Aphasia can also make physically speaking very difficult. 
  • Speech and language therapists can help those suffering from aphasia regain control of their muscles. This can, in turn, help them be able to talk more clearly and coherently. 
  • Cognitive Skills – Stroke patients can also experience loss of judgment, impaired thinking and reasoning abilities, and memory loss. 
  • It can also alter some of an individual’s personality traits. Patients recovering from a stroke can seem more withdrawn or quiet than their usual self, or vice-versa. 
  • With the loss of judgment comes the ability to act more careless or recklessly. This poses a safety hazard to both themselves and others. Physical therapy and occupational therapists can help stroke patients regain their cognitive abilities through specific exercises and repetition. 
  • Motor Skills – After undergoing a stroke, it can cause certain muscles on one side of the body to be affected. This can make an individual’s sense of coordination weak and even make it difficult for them to perform simple functions, such as walking. 
  • Physical therapy can help strengthen these muscles, therefore increasing overall balance and coordination. 
  • Sensory Skills – Sensory inputs can also be affected after a stroke such as the ability to feel hot/cold surfaces or pressure. This can also pose a safety hazard, making physical therapy extremely helpful. Therapists can work with you to help you adjust to the changes and increase your sensory function.  

How can Physical Therapy in Elwood help me?

If you or someone you know needs physical therapy in Elwood, post-stroke, Island Sports Physical Therapy might be the place for you. We offer services ranging from post-stroke physical therapy to education and fitness plans to help get you acclimated back to your old self. Contact us today to see how Island Sports Physical Therapy can help you!

Weightlifting Tips

Are you looking to expand beyond your typical cardio routine at the gym? Well, weightlifting might be just what you are looking for. It offers the same, if not more, benefits than your usual cardio sweat session on the treadmill. This form of resistance training can often seem challenging to someone new, but with some of these helpful tips, you can do it yourself! If you have been searching for physical therapy in Elwood, contact Island Sports Physical Therapy. We have trained physical therapists available to help tailor a weightlifting routine that’s right for you. They can also assist you in getting more comfortable with performing these types of exercises. Continue reading to learn some useful tips for weightlifting: 

Some helpful tips

Often, the overall goal when it comes to weight loss is to lose fat and maintain muscle mass. Weight training allows for you not only to lose fat while sustaining your muscle but it also helps to improve your metabolism as well. This combo makes weightlifting not only optimal for those looking to get super fit but also to lose weight. 

Here are some helpful tips to know before you start implementing a weightlifting routine: 

  • Don’t go too heavy – Meaning, don’t pick up weights that are causing you pain while trying to complete a full set. Try to start lighter and work your way up to a higher weight as you become stronger over time. 
  • Balance is key – Make sure not to repeat the same weightlifting routine too often on a certain body part. Try scheduling a workout routine to keep your weightlifting balanced. 
  • Warm up – Don’t just jump right into your weightlifting routine without a proper warm up. A five-minute warm-up will help allow your muscles to loosen up and perform better during your weight training.
  • Don’t let momentum take over – It’s easy to allow momentum to propel your lifts. This can defeat the whole purpose of weightlifting, making it too easy on your muscles. Try holding your lift for at least one to two seconds and then take a full two seconds to return to your starting position. 
  • Keep mixing it up – Keep challenging yourself by changing your repetitions/sets, weights, or movements. This will help to shock your body and push it to its fullest capability. 

It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t always have to spend that much time lifting weights to see results! It’s more about challenging yourself when lifting the proper weights that’ll help you build strength in your muscles. When you start physical therapy in Elwood, our staff will be able to work with you to perfect your technique and make sure you’re executing your routine correctly.

How can Physical Therapy in Elwood help me?

If you are interested in implementing a weightlifting routine and aren’t quite sure where to start, contact Island Sports Physical Therapy. We offer physical therapy in Elwood, making it convenient to meet with and get the proper guidance from our trained physical therapists. We can also help advise you on how to prevent injuries that can occur while weightlifting. Don’t wait, contact us today to make an appointment!

Physical Therapy For Plantar Fasciitis

More than three million people in the United States have flat feet and suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. Nobody wants to deal with heel pain, especially when you take those first few steps in the morning. If you suffer from intense heel pain you may benefit from visiting a physical therapist in El Wood with Island Sports Physical Therapy. 

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common heel pain where inflammation of a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. As a result, heel spurs are created and create excess calcium deposits on your heel. 

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Too much pressure damages or tears to muscle tissue causes inflammation which causes heel pain and stiffness. Tight calf muscles, obesity, high arch, and repetitive impact activity can cause Plantar Fasciitis as well. It is also common in people with flat feet. 


The most common symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis include:

  •  Pain coming from the bottom of the foot near the heel. 
  • Pain in your first few steps in the morning, or after a period of rest. 
  • The pain will usually diminish after a few minutes of walking but will reappear with continued activity. 
  • Pain is greatest after long physical activity, not during activity. 

How is Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosed?

Consult with your doctor about the pain you are experiencing. Depending on the level of pain, you may be subject to an X-Ray or MRI. 

  • X-Ray is useful in ruling out fractures, breaks, and arthritis. An X-Ray will also reveal if there is a heel spur present. 
  • MRI may be used to look at soft tissues to make sure there are no muscle tears. MRI’s are not often used. They are only used if pain continues after finding a negative result on an X-Ray. 

How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis: 

The most effective form of treatment is physical therapy. Physical Therapy will use exercises and stretches to strengthen your Plantar Fascia, Achilles tendon, and lower leg muscles. The stretching and strengthening exercises will help stabilize your heel and ankle. After the treatment Ice, E-Stim, and massage therapy may be used to help your muscles recover. 

  • Manual Physical Therapy is common when treating plantar fasciitis. Manual therapy consists of massaging and stretching the muscles in and around the heel. These stretches include specific calf stretches and foot stretches. 
  • Mobilization Therapy focuses on eliminating scar tissues around the Plantar Fascia. Deep tissue massages and foam rolling will help break down and eliminate scar tissue. This will increase mobility in your heel and ankle which will reduce stress on the heel. 
  • Studies show that high load strength training in physical therapy leads to a quicker reduction of pain. Certain evidence also shows that physical therapy will help you recover faster and cost you less than if you were to choose another treatment method. 

Where To Go: 

The best option to treat Plantar Fasciitis is to go to physical therapy in El Wood. Island Sports Physical Therapy offers two locations in Nassau County: Glen Cove and East Meadow. Physical Therapists at the two locations work to help rehab current injuries and work to prevent injuries in the future. Schedule an appointment with Island Sports Physical Therapy today so you can wake up feeling pain-free.


What are the different types of physical therapy?

Physical therapy can be broken down into six different areas. They include pediatric, geriatric, vestibular rehabilitation, neurological, orthopedic, and cardiovascular/pulmonary PT.

What are the benefits of physical therapy after surgery?

After going through surgery, PT can help restore the normal movement in your joint(s), build up the strength in your joint(s) and muscles, bring pain relief, reduce swelling, and increase circulation.

How Can Island Sports Physical Therapy in Elwood Help?

Physical therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can be used to both evaluate and treat injuries, disabilities, diseases, or conditions.



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See What Our Patients Have To Say!

I have used Island Sport Physical therapy before, and this is my 4th time. I always use Stacy Riley as my therapist, because with massage, stretching and exercises she gets you back to feeling good again. The staff are all friendly, and I am happy with my progress. – Cynthia Smith

Have been to Island Sports Physical Therapy multiple times over the last few years. I highly recommend them, quality of service is excellent and professional. Therapists are excellent and very attentive. – Ilias Misoulis

This is the best physical therapy office I have been to. I had back surgery 2 years ago and went to 3 other places with minimal results. Since I started at Island Therapy my back is better then all of my previous sessions at the other facilities. More importantly, I am more optimistic about my future and recovery. Thank you Matt and Island Therapy In East Northport. – Harvey Katz

Island Sports Physical Therapy