Preventing Common Running Injuries

Preventing Common Running Injuries
Running is a great way to get your heart pumping and break a sweat. However, it is important to remember that injuries can occur while running if you aren’t careful. That is why our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy would like to arm you with the information needed to prevent this from happening. To learn more about how to avoid injuries while running and to discover what can be done for treatment should one occur, please continue reading.
Common Running Injuries
Although it is a great way to stay in shape and improve your overall health, running can be taxing on the body. The repetitive nature of this exercise can lead to pain and injury in various areas. Some of the most common running injuries a person can face include:
- Runner’s knee.
- Plantar fasciitis.
- Stress fractures.
- Shin splints.
- Ankle sprains.
- Muscular problems.
- Back pain.
Prevention Methods
Nobody wants to have to spend their valuable time rehabbing from an injury. Luckily, there are steps you can take to avoid the need to do this. Our team of expert physical therapists are well-versed in this area and know exactly what you should do to stay out on the trail without issue. Below are a few examples of the top injury prevention methods for runners:
- Always take time to stretch and warm-up before a run.
- Only run in shoes that fit snuggly and offer proper ankle and arch support.
- Replace each pair of running shoes after you’ve used them to run for roughly 350 miles.
- When possible, avoid running on uneven surfaces.
- If you are unable to run for any reason, don’t push it. Try walking instead!
- If you begin to experience pain after a run, schedule a session of physical therapy to prevent the issue at hand from becoming a full-blown injury.
Physical Therapy
As previously stated, physical therapy can be used to help prevent minor pain and discomfort from becoming a full-blown injury. However, in times when an injury cannot be avoided, physical therapy can also be used for treatment. Through the use of various stretches and strengthening exercises, our physical therapists can help facilitate healing in the injured area. Physical therapy is a non-invasive option that works wonders when it comes to preventing the injury at hand from becoming a recurring one. In addition to exercises, physical therapy treatment can also consist of:
- Electronic muscle stimulations.
- Manual/massage therapy.
- Heat and cold therapy.
Contact Us
Don’t let an injury stop you from getting your exercise in. For more information about how to prevent common running injuries or to schedule an appointment for care, be sure to contact our team today!