Our work is challenging and we prefer it that way. Combining competence… compassion… and good old-fashioned “hard work”, we do our most to help each individual achieve their rehabilitative goals. I truly believe that our facilities and staff are successful due to the consistency in offering quality “hands-on” care and personal supervision that is left out in other centers.

At Island Sports Physical Therapy, it is our belief that patients need and deserve education along with their sophisticated sports medicine science and treatment. Equipment alone does not make people better. The intelligent use of education, coupled with exercise and home program development to fit each individual’s need, is the backbone of our success.

Our hope is that our patients don’t just recover… but they prevent future re-injury and obtain the maximum performance possible.

Keith A. May, P.T.
Executive Director


A Few of Our Services Offered By Our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me



Our body is a complex system of bones and muscles that work together in order to keep you doing the things you love. From your shoulder to your knees, your skeletal and muscular systems perform in harmony so you can function properly. However, like any other functioning mechanism, some parts have a tendency to become impaired. Whether it’s playing a sport or just performing basic activities, trying to perform with an injury is extremely difficult. That’s why at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our talented and devoted physical therapists are committed to getting you back to your physical best and will do whatever possible to make sure you’re fully recovered.


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Orthopedic treatment is the branch of medicine where diseases, injuries, and conditions of the musculoskeletal system are handled. Relating to the body’s muscles and skeleton, including the joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerves, orthopedic treatment can treat a wide variety of injuries and conditions. A talented physical therapist team at Island Sports Physical Therapy will give you the confidence needed to get back to your main hobbies without the fear of pain or discomfort.

Promoting different treatments like functional mobility, balance training, and soft tissue mobilization, physical therapists at Island Sports Physical Therapy have a variety of tools and techniques in order to help promote proper healing.




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Sports injuries are very common and occur for many reasons such as not having adequate strength or flexibility for your activity, overworking yourself and exceeding your bodies limitation, or even changes in your environment.






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With each sport and each injury, there is a wide variety of treatment options available to you. Sports-specific therapy is focused on your personalized sports needs because we understand that with each sport comes the potential for different types of injuries as well athletic capabilities.

Whether you’re a gymnastics competitor or on a rowing crew team, we want to make sure that we understand exactly what you need. In order to do this, we will do an initial evaluation to design a specific rehabilitation plan to focus on the skills needed for your specific sport. Each sport requires the use of different muscles and skills, so our goal is to rehabilitate, facilitate, and grow these specific muscles back to where they need to be. We want to help retrieve mobility, relieve pain, and enable comfortable movement for you again so you can get back to competing.


Recent Blog Posts From Our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me



Can Scoliosis Be Corrected With Physical Therapy?


Scoliosis is characterized as the sideways curvature of the spine that most commonly occurs when an adolescent is about to go through puberty or undergoes a growth spurt. While this condition tends to impact only three to five percent of adolescents, seven in ten adults over the age of sixty have scoliosis. Adults are more likely to experience symptoms of scoliosis than adolescents. Among the most commonly experienced symptoms are back pain, fatigue, and loss of function. The team at Island Sports Physical Therapy is prepared to help you manage many of the common symptoms associated with scoliosis through the use of our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me.


What Causes Scoliosis?

Doctors are not entirely sure what causes the most common forms of scoliosis, but it does seem to involve hereditary factors. Some of the more uncommon types of scoliosis can be caused by:


  • Neuromuscular conditions
  • Birth defects that affect the spine’s development
  • Injuries to or infections of the spine

The risk of developing scoliosis can even vary based on age, gender, or family history. While both males and females tend to develop mild scoliosis at the same rate, females are often at a greater risk of their curvature worsening.


Do I Have Scoliosis?

To determine if a patient has scoliosis, a doctor may use what is known as The Cobb Angle. Invented by Dr. John Cobb in 1948, this method requires drawing lines parallel to the upper border of the upper vertebral body and the lower border of the lowest vertebra of the structural curve. Perpendicular lines are then drawn from these two parallel lines and this is known as the “angle of curvature.” The minimum angle for scoliosis is an angle of ten degrees. For an angle between fifteen and twenty degrees, you may require physical therapy and regular check-ups to prevent the curvature from becoming more severe. For an angle between twenty and forty degrees, our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me and a back brace will likely be necessary. Any angle greater than forty degrees may require surgery to link the vertebrae so the spine cannot continue to curve.


What Can I Expect From Physical Therapy For Scoliosis?

Physical therapy has been shown to be beneficial in both reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life among those who suffer from scoliosis. Physical therapy for scoliosis tends to come in many different forms as each patient’s case of scoliosis is different. Our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me may help with:


  • Breathing and functioning mechanics.
  • Using exercises to balance out the curve in the spine.
  • Teaching you how to incorporate anti-scoliosis postures into routine activities.
  • Performing involuntary exercises to train your brain and muscles to act in a different way.

It is important to retrain your brain to perform any involuntary motions that you already do that impact your spine. Your posture and other involuntary habits would likely need to be corrected through the use of Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me and you will begin to see improvements after your first few sessions. If your scoliosis is mild or moderate, do not wait for treatment. You could be running the risk of making your condition far worse.


Contact Our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me Today!

Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, we provide a Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me as well as five other convenient locations on Long Island. Our team will work tirelessly to treat your scoliosis and help you avoid surgery, or even help you get back on track after surgery. Either way, Island Sports Physical Therapy will help you get on the path to improving your quality of life and getting you back to doing what you love. To learn more about us and how we can help, be sure to contact us today!


Does Physical Therapy Help Sciatica?


Sciatica is a painful condition that results from irritation or complications of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve stems from the lower back, or the lumbar area, and extends down the back of the leg. Those who suffer from sciatica will experience pain that radiates from the lower back, through the hips, and down the leg. While sciatica pain can be severe, the most common form of treatment is physical therapy. If you are suffering from sciatica and require a Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me, reach out to us at Island Sports Physical Therapy and see how we can help resolve your sciatica pain today!


Sciatica Symptoms

The most common symptom of sciatica is a sense of pain that radiates from the lower back to the back of the leg. Sciatic pain varies greatly from case to case, ranging from a mild ache to a sharp burning sensation. In some cases, patients may feel numbness, tingling or muscle weakness. These symptoms can be aggravated or exacerbated upon you coughing, sneezing, or extended periods of sitting or standing. Severe cases of sciatica can even make moving and walking difficult tasks. Some people report that lying down can help alleviate some of the symptoms of sciatica.


What Causes Sciatica?

Any form of irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve will cause sciatica or sciatic pain. This usually occurs when the sciatic nerve gets pinched from a herniated disc, typically a lumbar disc herniation, or a bone spur on the vertebrae. Other causes of sciatica include infections, symptoms of other diseases like diabetes or arthritis, tumors, or injury in the area. Some risk factors that may increase the risk of developing sciatica include:


  • Age – Herniated discs and bone spurs become more common as the body ages and are two of the most common causes of sciatica.
  • Obesity – Excess body weight can place excess stress on the spine, potentially leading to spinal conditions such as herniated discs and bone spurs.
  • Prolonged Sitting – A sedentary lifestyle has been linked with developing sciatica. If you sit or stand for prolonged periods due to work or other lifestyle factors, you are at a higher risk of developing sciatica.
  • Diabetes – Diabetes increases the risk of general overall nerve damage, which can include damage to the sciatic nerve.


How Would a Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me Help Sciatica?

Sciatica is caused by a nerve-related irritation resulting in all of its other symptoms. This irritation is often caused by underlying issues, such as herniated discs or bone spurs. For this reason, physical therapy can bring relief for sciatica symptoms as well as treat the underlying factors that cause the irritation in the first place. Physical therapy for sciatica can:


  • Relieve pain in the area.
  • Improve and restore mobility in the lower body.
  • Promote healing of the underlying cause.
  • Prevent future pain flare-ups.
  • Strengthen the surrounding area to prevent reinjury.


Contact Our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me

Physical therapy is usually one of the first forms of treatment recommended to help manage sciatica. Physical therapy treatments may be combined with over the counter pain medicine to see optimal results. However, the most important part of successful treatment is commitment and persistence. If you are suffering from sciatica, do not hesitate to contact our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me, to discover how our treatment options can help you today!


How Can Physical Therapy Help Prevent Injury?


physical therapy in east northport

When people hear the term physical therapy, it is often associated with treating an injury or pain. However, did you know that attending physical therapy- especially our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me, could actually prevent injury and improve your health overall? Physical therapy has been known to have a multitude of benefits as physical therapists use a variety of methods to help you live your most comfortable and healthiest life!


Common injuries that lead to PT

We go through so many different motions each and every day, which may include sitting and working at a desk, exercising, and playing sports. Though we may not pay specific attention to our body placement or movements which may lead to discomfort throughout our bodies or slight injuries. The most common reasons a person may seek a Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me include:


  • Neck pain/ lower back pain
  • Problems with balance or mobility
  • Common sprains and muscle strains
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Respiratory problems and more

Although these are just a couple of popular problems/injuries, most can actually be prevented by attending a session with our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me to prevent these pains and discomforts before they even occur.


4 Ways Physical Therapy Prevents Injuries


  1. Improve mobility and movement: Even if you’re very active on a daily basis, yet are having trouble reaching your goals, this is most likely due to your lack of mobility. This simply means that you need to improve your flexibility. Flexibility refers to the ability of your joints to move in their full range of motion with no pain or discomfort. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our trained physical therapists are here to work with you and give you specific stretches and exercises to target the areas you need the most improving your flexibility and mobility overall.


  1. Avoid surgery: Surgery can be painful and expensive. Especially with all the resources available in today’s day and age, it is important to explore all possible options, leaving surgery as your last resort. Physical therapy is an excellent avenue to go down before making a final decision. Some conditions can certainly be treated using non-invasive methods, especially physical therapy with our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me to prevent further injury and prevent surgery as best as possible.


  1. Improve balance and prevent falls: When exercising at the gym, many people focus on strength and stretching, and balance exercises are often overlooked. The key to improving your balance is to create situations that challenge your balance. Our physical therapists will work closely with you while assigning specific exercises, often using special equipment to help your body adapt to change and improve your balance over time. Moreover, as you gain more strength and balance, fewer falls or injuries will occur.


  1. Coping and managing old age: Over time, many of the body’s prominent systems begin to break down. Additionally, conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis are common with old age that provide new challenges when living our daily lives. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to assisting aging adults and providing them with the right amount of care to properly and safely live out their lives. As well as education and prevention, simple exercises in geriatric rehabilitation include stretching, walking, and weightlifting.


How Our Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me Can Help! 


Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our excellent team of physical therapists strives to work with each and every one of our patients, providing individual and specialized care, to ensure a more comfortable and healthier life. Make an appointment today to get started on your journey to a healthier life with less discomfort!



Healthy Aging with Medicare

In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, healthy aging stands paramount. Maintaining our physical well-being becomes increasingly crucial as we traverse life’s journey. Leveraging Medicare for preventative physical therapy emerges as a cornerstone in this endeavor, empowering individuals to age gracefully and thrive in their later years.Physical Therapist Nassau County

Understanding the Significance of Preventative Physical Therapy

Preventative physical therapy isn’t merely about addressing existing ailments; it’s a proactive approach to safeguarding one’s health and vitality. Individuals can mitigate the risk of injuries by engaging in targeted exercises and interventions, alleviating chronic pain, and enhancing overall mobility and functionality. This proactive stance not only improves quality of life but also reduces the burden on the healthcare system.

Navigating Medicare for Comprehensive Coverage

Medicare, the federal health insurance program primarily for individuals aged 65 and older, offers substantial opportunities for accessing preventative physical therapy. Understanding the intricacies of Medicare coverage is essential for maximizing its benefits. Medicare Part B, in particular, covers outpatient services, including physical therapy, under certain conditions.

Unraveling the Layers of Medicare Coverage

Medicare Part B covers medically necessary services, including diagnostic tests, doctor’s visits, and therapy services. To qualify for coverage, services must meet specific criteria, such as being prescribed by a healthcare provider and provided by a Medicare-approved provider or facility.

Leveraging Medicare Advantage Plans for Enhanced Benefits

In addition to traditional Medicare, beneficiaries can enroll in Medicare Advantage plans. These plans, offered by private insurers approved by Medicare, often provide additional benefits beyond what Original Medicare covers. Many Medicare Advantage plans offer comprehensive coverage for preventative services, including physical therapy, making them an attractive option for proactive healthcare management.

Empowering Individuals Through Preventative Physical Therapy

Engaging in preventative physical therapy empowers individuals to take control of their health and well-being. By incorporating targeted exercises, manual techniques, and education on proper body mechanics, physical therapists equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive as they age. Moreover, preventative physical therapy fosters independence, enabling individuals to maintain an active lifestyle and participate in activities they enjoy.

Tailoring Treatment Plans to Individual Needs

One of the critical strengths of preventative physical therapy lies in its personalized approach. Physical therapists assess each individual’s unique needs, goals, and medical history to develop tailored treatment plans. Whether it’s addressing balance and coordination issues, managing chronic conditions, or enhancing strength and flexibility, the treatment plan is meticulously crafted to optimize outcomes.

Embracing a Proactive Approach to Healthy Aging – Physical Therapist That Accepts Medicare Near Me

In conclusion, healthy aging is not merely a matter of chance; it’s a deliberate choice we make every day. By leveraging Medicare-backed preventative physical therapy, individuals can embark on a journey of vitality, resilience, and well-being. Through personalized care, education, and advocacy, we can empower individuals to embrace a proactive approach to healthy aging and unlock the full potential of their later years.

Frequently asked questions about Physical Therapy:

What are the different types of physical therapy?

Physical therapy can be broken down into six different areas. They include pediatric, geriatric, vestibular rehabilitation, neurological, orthopedic, and cardiovascular/pulmonary PT.

What are the benefits of physical therapy after surgery?

After going through surgery, PT can help restore the normal movement in your joint(s), build up the strength in your joint(s) and muscles, bring pain relief, reduce swelling, and increase circulation.

How can physical therapy help?

Physical therapy is a noninvasive treatment that can be used to both evaluate and treat injuries, disabilities, diseases or conditions.


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