Our body is a complex system of bones and muscles that work together in order to keep you doing the things you love. From your shoulder to your knees, your skeletal and muscular systems perform in harmony so you can function properly. However, like any other functioning mechanism, some parts have a tendency to become impaired. Whether it’s playing a sport or just performing basic activities, trying to perform with an injury is extremely difficult. That’s why at Island Sports Physical Therapy, our talented and devoted physical therapists are committed to getting you back to your physical best and will do whatever possible to make sure you’re fully recovered. If you are in need of physical therapy in East Setauket contact our team today!


Sports injuries are very common and occur for many reasons such as not having adequate strength or flexibility for your activity, overworking yourself and exceeding your bodies limitation, or even changes in your environment. With each sport and each injury, there is a wide variety of treatment options available to you. Sports-specific therapy is focused on your personalized sports needs because we understand that with each sport comes the potential for different types of injuries as well athletic capabilities.


Whether you’re a gymnastics competitor or on a rowing crew team, we want to make sure that we understand exactly what you need. In order to do this, we will do an initial evaluation to design a specific rehabilitation plan to focus on the skills needed for your specific sport. Each sport requires the use of different muscles and skills, so our goal is to rehabilitate, facilitate, and grow these specific muscles back to where they need to be. We want to help retrieve mobility, relieve pain, and enable comfortable movement for you again so you can get back to competing.

Physical therapy in Setauket

We will develop exercises that are sport-specific. By sport-specific, this means that our therapy exercises will mimic the common movements that you would be doing during your specific sport. This will help strengthen the areas that you need to provide flexibility and rehabilitation to the areas that will be affected the most. We’ll develop a plan that is specific to you by evaluating your physical capabilities and helping you exceed your rehabilitation goals. It is important to understand your body so that we can find the best plan for you. 


We also want to focus on prevention to make sure that you remain healthy after therapy. We can do this by working out a comfortable plan for you so that you won’t need to only focus on your body when it’s injured but also help prevent future injuries from occurring and become a better athlete.


Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, we understand the physical demands that sports put on your body and want to make sure that you make a smooth recovery to return to play. We’ll educate you on the best way possible to make sure that not only do you recover, but also have the knowledge to prevent re-injury while obtaining your highest performance results. We have a number of convenient locations in both Nassau and Suffolk County. Contact us today to get started on your road to recovery.


What To Expect At Your First Physical Therapy Appointment

If you suffer from severe pain caused by chronic pain from an illness or a recent injury, you may benefit from the trustworthy services of seeing a physical therapist. Looking for physical therapy in East Setauket? Look no further! Island Sports Physical Therapy (ISPT) is here to help you relieve your pain, increase your mobility, and get you back to living a healthier and more comfortable life. Our trained physical therapists will curate a plan specifically for you and your needs to get you back in action. Never been to physical therapy in East Setauket before? Continue reading to get a detailed description of what to expect during your very first physical therapy session. 


How To Prepare For Your Visit

It is imperative to be as prepared as possible heading into your first physical therapy appointment. The first session is known as the initial evaluation. Here, your physical therapist will ask you questions about your condition or injury to get a sense of the severity of it and how they should go about treating it. Also, it is important to have a list of any medications you may take as well as any surgeries you have had in the past, which may impact a treatment plan specialized for you. Questions your physical therapist may ask revolve around the history of your condition or illness, giving them a sense of a timeline. Some questions include but are not limited to: 

  • When did you first experience pain or discomfort?
  • When and how did your injury occur? 
  • How was your functional mobility before the pain or injury occurred? 
  • How often do you experience symptoms? 
  • Is your problem changing overtime? 
  • What makes your pain better or worse? 


What To Wear To Physical Therapy in East Setauket

Physical therapy revolves around movements and exercises to increase functional mobility and decrease your pain over time. With this being said, comfortable clothes and sneakers are a must when attending your physical therapy sessions. It is important to be able to easily move around without restrictions holding you back. Shorts or loose pants are recommended for patients working on the pain in their hip, leg, or ankle, and a short-sleeved shirt for easy access to the shoulder for treating shoulder or arm pain. Be aware that some physical therapy offices may not have changing rooms, so come prepared and ready to work! 


What Happens During the Initial Examination?

After arriving at your physical therapy office, you will soon meet your physical therapist who will be conducting the examination. He or she will begin with all the basic questions you have already prepared yourself for, including how or when the pain or injury began and the symptoms that come with it. Once your physical therapist has a sense of your pain and its possible causes, they will then conduct a series of measurements to further evaluate your condition. Common measurements your physical therapist may conduct include:

  • Palpation
  • Your range of motion (ROM) 
  • Strength 
  • Mobility 
  • Balance 
  • Neurological testing 

Once these tests have been completed, your physical therapist should have a clear idea of what is causing your pain and how to go about treating it. Using the results and their observations, an individualized treatment plan is curated specifically for you. This plan may consist of anything ranging from exercises, therapeutic modalities, electrical stimulation, and more. Your physical therapist will also recommend a schedule to attend as well as what to do each time you come. Over time, your physical therapist will closely monitor your progress, adjusting your treatment plan if needed. 


Physical Therapy in East Setauket

Looking for physical therapy in East Setauket? Island Sports Physical Therapy is here to help you get back to a more comfortable, pain-free life. For more information visit our website or contact us to schedule an appointment today! 

What Are The Different Types of Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is the practice of using physical medicine to help improve a patient’s mobility and function. Physical therapists help patients prevent or manage their injuries, achieve function, restore ability, and maintain long-term benefits. Because physical therapists can treat such a wide range of people and conditions, it is broken down into specialties so that you can find the right medical professional that is experienced in handling your specific complication. If you are looking for physical therapy in East Setauket, our staff at Island Sports Physical Therapy is ready to help you start feeling better today. 


Different Types of Physical Therapy:

The practice of physical therapy is broken down into many specialties, and even more sub-specialties. However, there are certain specialties of physical therapy that are often the main focus. These main specialties include the following:


  • Pediatric: This branch of physical therapy focuses on detecting, treating, and managing any issues, injuries, disorders, or diseases that affect the physical bodies of infants and children. This includes any problems associated with the muscles, bones, and joints of the patient. Pediatric physical therapists may also see adolescent patients as needed. Pediatric physical therapists help treat conditions such as cerebral palsy, torticollis, and spina bifida, as well as any acute injury a younger patient may be experiencing.

  • Geriatric: Physical therapists specializing in geriatric care focus on complications that arise as patients naturally age. Such complications typically include arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, hip and/or joint replacement and complications, and osteoporosis. These physical therapists create specialized therapy programs to help their patients regain mobility and reduce pain.

  • Orthopedic: Orthopedic physical therapists deal with complications within the musculoskeletal system. They manage and treat disorders and injuries, and they can assist with many surgical recoveries. If a patient has had complications or surgery affecting the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, or bones, then this type of physical therapy can assist. Examples of this include sports injuries, arthritis, tendonitis, fractures, and bursitis. 

  • Cardiovascular Rehabilitation: These physical therapists deal with cardiopulmonary disorders and surgeries. The main goal of this type of physical therapy is to restore endurance and functional independence in patients. If you have recently had a heart attack or heart surgery, cardiovascular rehabilitation at our location for physical therapy in East Setauket can help expedite your recovery process. 

  • Neurological: Therapists in this specialty work with patients who have neurological complications. Some examples of these complications include ASL, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, and/or stroke. These therapists work to reduce the effects of symptoms that may arise from these conditions, such as paralysis, loss of balance, and difficulty walking.

  • Sports: Sports physical therapists help athletes to recover from injuries sustained on the field. They work to analyze the cause of the injury and determine a treatment plan to help athletes return to their full potential after suffering from an injury. Common injuries treated by sports physical therapists include ACL injuries, tendon tears, and both simple and compound fractures.


Contact us today!

Physical therapists work to relieve many different types of ailments and symptoms experienced by a wide range of people. Because the field of physical therapy is so extensive and can benefit a large number of patients, physical therapists often specialize in treating specific issues or age groups to be able to better help their patients. If you require physical therapy in East Setauket, contact us us at Island Sports Physical Therapy and see how we can help you attain optimal wellness. 

Does Physical Therapy Help Sciatica?

Sciatica is a painful condition that results from irritation or complications of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve stems from the lower back, or the lumbar area, and extends down the back of the leg. Those who suffer from sciatica will experience pain that radiates from the lower back, through the hips, and down the leg. While sciatica pain can be severe, the most common form of treatment is physical therapy. If you are suffering from sciatica and require physical therapy in East Setauket, reach out to us at Island Sports Physical Therapy and see how we can help resolve your sciatica pain today!


Sciatica Symptoms

The most common symptom of sciatica is a sense of pain that radiates from the lower back to the back of the leg. Sciatic pain varies greatly from case to case, ranging from a mild ache to a sharp burning sensation. In some cases, patients may feel numbness, tingling or muscle weakness. These symptoms can be aggravated or exacerbated upon you coughing, sneezing, or extended periods of sitting or standing. Severe cases of sciatica can even make moving and walking difficult tasks. Some people report that lying down can help alleviate some of the symptoms of sciatica. 


What Causes Sciatica?

Any form of irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve will cause sciatica or sciatic pain. This usually occurs when the sciatic nerve gets pinched from a herniated disc, typically a lumbar disc herniation, or a bone spur on the vertebrae. Other causes of sciatica include infections, symptoms of other diseases like diabetes or arthritis, tumors, or injury in the area. Some risk factors that may increase the risk of developing sciatica include:

  • Age – Herniated discs and bone spurs become more common as the body ages and are two of the most common causes of sciatica.
  • Obesity – Excess body weight can place excess stress on the spine, potentially leading to spinal conditions such as herniated discs and bone spurs.
  • Prolonged Sitting – A sedentary lifestyle has been linked with developing sciatica. If you sit or stand for prolonged periods due to work or other lifestyle factors, you are at a higher risk of developing sciatica.
  • Diabetes – Diabetes increases the risk of general overall nerve damage, which can include damage to the sciatic nerve.


How Does Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Setauket Help Sciatica?

Sciatica is caused by a nerve-related irritation resulting in all of its other symptoms. This irritation is often caused by underlying issues, such as herniated discs or bone spurs. For this reason, physical therapy can bring relief for sciatica symptoms as well as treat the underlying factors that cause the irritation in the first place. Physical therapy for sciatica can: 

  • Relieve pain in the area.
  • Improve and restore mobility in the lower body.
  • Promote healing of the underlying cause.
  • Prevent future pain flare-ups.
  • Strengthen the surrounding area to prevent reinjury.


Contact Us Today

Physical therapy is usually one of the first forms of treatment recommended to help manage sciatica. Physical therapy treatments may be combined with over the counter pain medicine to see optimal results. However, the most important part of successful treatment is commitment and persistence. If you are suffering from sciatica, do not hesitate to contact us at Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Setauket, to discover how our treatment options can help you today!

Can Physical Therapy Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Are you struggling with pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome? Fortunately, research shows that physical therapy can help alleviate many of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are seeking treatment for carpal tunnel look no further than Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Setauket.  Our dedicated team of therapists will ensure that you can put your pain in the rearview mirror! 


What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that stems from pressure on the median nerve, which runs through your forearm to the hand and wrist on the palm side. When the nerve is under pressure, it compresses, causing several uncomfortable symptoms. It is believed that several common daily activities like using a computer mouse or driving heavy machinery that vibrates can put excessive pressure on the nerve, and over time this can lead to the development of carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome triggers a few main symptoms in the wrist and hand. Some of these symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Tingling and pain that moves through the forearm up to the shoulder
  • A sensation of electric shocks in the fingers
  • A weakness of the hand and wrist
  • Numbness of fingers

Physical therapy in SetauketTreating Your Carpal Tunnel With Physical Therapy

The goal of any type of physical therapy is to restore the patient to their prior condition and maximize functionality by reducing symptoms without surgery. Although there is no single cure for carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapy in East Setauket can work wonders for mitigating the symptoms by reducing pain and restoring the mobility of your fingers. Specifically, “gliding” exercises that focus on the median nerve and the surrounding tendons have proven to be effective in treating carpal tunnel. 

A study of 120 women, half of whom had surgery and half who opted for physical therapy found that those who engaged in physical therapy had less pain and better mobility than those who had surgery. Physical therapy will teach you countless valuable exercises that focus on strengthening the hand and wrist, as well as improving flexibility. 

Once mastered, these exercises can often be done at home at your own leisure. A key aspect of rehabbing carpal tunnel syndrome is only doing what you feel comfortable with. The phrase “no pain no gain” doesn’t apply here, as doing exercises you find painful will only make your condition worse. It takes a skilled physical therapist to determine the fine line where you are pushing yourself, but not too hard to the point where it is counterproductive. 


How Can Physical Therapy in East Setauket Help?

Beyond learning exercises that can help mitigate your carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapists are extraordinarily skilled at helping you make slight changes to your life that can make a world of difference. For instance, changing your posture and your wrist positioning as you do certain tasks can alleviate some of the pressure on the median nerve, decreasing the severity of your symptoms.  

Oftentimes, it is recommended that you wear a brace at night to ensure that the wrist is straight and the pressure placed on the median nerve is limited. Simple lifestyle changes like these can go a long way in helping treat carpal tunnel syndrome, and you will receive the best advice and treatment by visiting Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Setauket. 


Contact Us At Island Sports Physical Therapy! 

If you are seeking physical therapy in East Setauket to alleviate your carpal tunnel symptoms, there simply is no better choice than Island Sports Physical Therapy. To schedule an appointment, contact us using this link!

Island Sports Physical Therapy