Long Island Physical Therapist

Physical Therapy for Post-fractures

Recuperating from a bone fracture requires more care than simply waiting for the pain to subside. Realignment and proper healing of the bone are the foremost issues involved with treating bone fractures. Typically, a hospital will treat and realign broken bones by having a patient wear a cast then assign a patient to physical therapy to assist the patient with regaining their former mobility.

Fractures themselves are caused by impact, stress, or bone disease with the most frequent among these being stress fractures. A stress fracture is caused by frequent stress being put on a bone, typically athletes are more likely to be affected by this type of fracture. For athletes, completely avoiding stress fractures requires moderating training routines and avoiding putting too much emphasis on a body part. For a competitive athlete stress fractures are an unfortunate reality and the rule of thumb “stop if you begin to feel a problem” is largely intuitive. The only recommendations for properly avoiding fractures is to train through increments rather than crash training. Also, paying attention to the quality of your footwear can be important in avoiding a stress fracture. Cross training can also be a viable option. Using various training routines to improve proficiency in a sport without putting too much burden on a singular area of your body.

The issue with fractures is not the initial fracture, but the fact that you become more susceptible to future injuries where the fracture occurred. After a fracture, has occurred make sure that you seek help from a physical therapist to treat the initial fracture and gain knowledge and training on how to avoid future injuries.

For physical therapy on Long Island, visit Island Sports Physical Therapy! We have six different locations and offer rehabilitation services tailored specifically for athletes.

Long Island Physical Therapist

October is National Physical Therapy Month

National Physical Therapy Month (NPTM) was originally started in 1981 by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). While it used to occur in June, the date was moved to October in 1992 so it would not interfere with APTA’s yearly conference. With a new theme each year, the one for 2016 is #ChoosePT. The goal of #ChoosePT is to raise awareness about the benefits of physical therapy as the preferred way to manage pain.

While using opioids is a common treatment for pain management, APTA argues that it may not be the most successful. According to the CDC, one in four individuals who use opioids for a lengthy period of time for pain management will struggle with addiction. By choosing physical therapy, you will be able to effectively treat the affected area and resume your daily routine as a safer alternative. This campaign wants to inform those who are looking to manage their pain that have a choice in how they are treated.

In addition to avoiding the negative side effects of opioids, choosing physical therapy first will not only speed up your recovery time but is the most cost effective. In some cases, choosing this form of treatment can be cheaper than the combination of surgery and pain medication while being equally as effective. For more information on #ChoosePT, you can visit their website as well as view any of their social media posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  

If you reside on Long Island and are considering physical therapy, Island Sports Physical Therapy may be able to help. In addition to treating your injury, your physical therapist will provide you with the necessary information to stay healthy and know what to do if this problem happens again. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, they are committed to providing you with the most effective treatments to help you live a healthy and active life.