Coming back from a meniscus tear
A meniscus tear is a common knee injury. The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped disc that cushions your knee. Each knee has two menisci (plural for meniscus) which helps keep your knees steady by balancing your weight across the knee.
In most cases, a meniscus tear is caused by twisting or turning quickly, while your foot is planted and your knee is bent. Lifting something heavy and playing sports can also lead to a torn meniscus. The healing process depends on the severity of your injury and physical therapy is usually needed. Island Sports Physical Therapy can provide you more information on a meniscus tear and can help guide you on your way to a successful recovery.
Usually a physical exam and an X-ray is needed in order to help your doctor find out if a torn meniscus is causing your pain. Treatment for a torn meniscus depends on the type of tear, where it is, and how serious the injury is. Some treatment options you can consider:
- -Physical Therapy
- -Rest
- -Ice and wrapping the knee with an elastic bandage
- -Propping up the leg on pillows
- -Surgery to repair the meniscus
- -Surgery to remove part of the meniscus
- -Support tape
Blood flow is essential for healing and will help your knee injury heal quickly and completely.
Recovery from a meniscus tear can vary significantly, especially if surgery was required. The heavier and older you are, the longer your recovery will be.
Contact us!
Island Sports Physical Therapy has a solid understanding on how to treat your meniscus tear. With years of experience and with the help of our professionals you will be on your way to recovery! At Island Sports Physical Therapy we want the best for our patients. We guarantee that after each visit you will be one step further towards your recovery! Don’t wait and give us a call today!