American Heart Month: How to Be Heart Healthy

We learn at a young age in health class that being physically active, following a healthy diet, and not smoking are some of the most important ways to keep your heart and lungs healthy. It is unfortunate that many Americans are not active enough and do not follow these guidelines to a healthy life, but fortunately, physical therapy can help to get you and keep you on the right track. Lifestyle changes can make a difference and physical therapist can help with these changes.

Physical therapy can help carve a heart-healthy exercise program that is suitable for you. A physical therapist will take the time to learn who you are and what you aren’t capable of and will set boundaries as well as expectations. All plans are safe and progressive, even if you have never worked out a day in your life. Working closely with a physical therapist can greatly improve the way your heart functions as well as the rest of your body in a safe environment.

Depending on if you suffer from any heart-related issues, your physical therapist will work with you on specific areas, whether it be mobility, lifestyle changes, or any physical activity specific to your abilities and goals. The heart is an amazing organ and the most crucial part of our body as it powers the blood circulation through our entire body. Research shows your heart would have beaten almost 3 billion times if you live to be 80 years old. There are four considerations to keep your most important organ going strong.

  1. Eating healthy. Everyone knows that eating food processed foods, such as McDonald’s, is not good for you. At the moment it may seem fine but your body will be hating you after. Eating healthy consists of daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Minimizing the consumption of sodium-filled foods and fats can help keep your heart healthier, longer.
  2. Keep moving. Being active is the best thing you can do for your body. It doesn’t mean you have to go out and join and gym and go every day for the rest of your life, but something as easy as taking a daily walk around the neighborhood, taking the stairs to work instead of the elevator, or parking further to your destination (requiring walking) can all make a difference in the long run.
  3. Blood pressure. Know your blood pressure numbers and try and keep track. If it becomes high on a consistent basis you should consult a doctor as you may be at risk of heart disease.
  4. Cholesterol. The ratio numbers between your body’s “good” and “bad” cholesterol can be detrimental to your health.

Physical therapists are committed to helping you live a healthy and more productive lifestyle. They are there to bring up your energy and help set and succeed in life goals. You owe it to your heart to seek the help of a physical therapist’s if you are in need.

Proper Shoveling Techniques

CAUTION: WET FLOOR. Don’t you wish someone would put these signs outside as a heads up during these icy months? Although we have been lucky with some strangely warm weather, the cold is rolling in and we can surely expect snow in the upcoming weeks. Not all of us have a young teenage boy in the neighborhood who goes around offering to shovel for a small fee so therefore the task is left to you.

Shoveling sounds simple but can be dangerous if you aren’t wary of your footing on the layer of ice that may have frozen over under the snow or if you do not use the proper muscles to dig up and clear the snowy path from your driveway to your front/back door. Back injuries are the most common injury caused by improper shoveling techniques. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, our mission is not only to help patients regain mobility and recover from surgery or injuries but to prevent any possible injuries from reoccurring by strengthening the body for future mobility.

It is important to choose the right shovel to carry out the task. When making your selection, make sure the shovel is small and lightweight with a plastic blade as it will require less energy and muscle to lift with each scoop. The snow will already have weight to it so there is no need to add to this by using a heavy tool. While at the store purchasing your shovel of choice it will also be helpful to buy some salt that you could pour on the area you are shoveling. Salt acts as a natural agent to melt icy surfaces making your job easier. It can also be helpful to get a shovel with a curved or adjustable handle as this will lessen the bending of your knees when scooping up piles of snow.

Prior to shoveling, you should always stretch your limbs as you would before any exercise. Just as the proper stretches are necessary before exercising, so are proper forms and muscle mobility so that you do not harm yourself during the process. When shoveling up each pile, do not toss the snow over your shoulder. Always throw it forward to avoid pulling or twisting any limbs and/or muscles.

Try to get out there early with the snowfall instead of letting it pile up. Lower levels of snow will be easier to clear out and lift as opposed to letting a foot or two compile. We receive on average 10 inches of snow with each snowfall in New York and it can add up quickly! At Island Sports Physical Therapy, we love seeing our patients, but it’s even better seeing them healthy and living a mobile pain-free life more. Please use these tips to stay healthy and out of harm’s way during the winter season!

National Influenza Vaccination Week

It’s that time of year again! No, not the holiday season. Flu season! Flu season is upon us so it is important to be mindful of your health and the health of others over the next few months. December 6th through the 12th is National Influenza Vaccination week so the most responsible precautionary measure you can take recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is to get vaccinated. Although the vaccination may lead to minor illness such as a cold, it will prevent the vaccinated individual from contracting the much more serious illness that is, influenza. You can visit your local drugstore, primary physician, or even an urgent care clinic near you to get vaccinated.

Although the flu vaccine can be very useful in helping to prevent serious illness, it is not the only preventative measure that can be taken to help keep you healthy during these weary winter months. There are smart, healthful habits that you can practice every day to combat the spread of germs and contraction of an illness.

It is important to keep your distance from sick people. Some people may have difficulty doing this with loved ones and significant others, but be strong, do it anyway because it is important! Same goes for if you’re sick–limit your contact with others so you do not spread germs and infect others.

Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. The importance of covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing cannot be stressed enough. Always use a tissue if available. If one is not, you should still be mindful of your surrounding by coughing or sneezing into your shirt or the bend in your elbow.

Wash your hands. We have had this tip drilled into our heads since we were children. It is so simple yet so important. Wash your hands and wash them often. If you’re worried about drying out your skin carry a travel sized hand lotion with you.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. This is the fastest way to spread germs and spread a virus. If absolutely necessary, wash your hands before and after touching those areas to avoid getting sick.

Disinfect all your surfaces. Coming in contact with unfamiliar surfaces is a surefire way to catch a virus. You never know who has touched, sneezed, or coughed on those surfaces in your absence. If your in a public place and don’t have access to any disinfecting wipes, do your best to avoid touching any suspicious surfaces without gloves.

Crack open a window every now and again. People tend to avoid opening their windows during the winter because of the cold weather. This can make homes stuffy and actually help germs thrives. When you leave your home in the morning crack a couple of windows to let some fresh air circulate while you’re out–they don’t have to be wide up, just open them a crack so the fresh air can seep in. When you get home you can close them and it won’t be too long for your house to warm back up.


Lower Back Pain and How ISPT Can Help

Suffering from severe aching or pain in the lower back region? About 31 million Americans are struggling with these exact symptoms. Back-related problems, for example, can occur due to the type of mattress you sleep on or the daily activities you do. Although there is not one main reason lower back pain occurs, the symptoms are usually the same from patient to patient, making diagnosis difficult to determine.

If you are having problems with your lower back it is recommended you visit a physical therapist. A specialist will ask a few evaluation questions and will come up with a plan on how to treat your pain. You should make sure to provide information such as previous health issues, symptoms, and activity history in order to help speed up the process and reach your health goals.

Causes of acute lower back pain usually deal with the strain on muscles and ligaments in the surrounding area. Sudden movements can cause muscles or ligaments to stretch or develop tears. In cases where chronic lower back pain persists most reasons are due to disk tear, spondylolisthesis (daily wear and tear that comes with age and causes the spinal disks to form on top of one another leading to spinal nerves to be crushed), vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis and scoliosis.

Acute lower back pain is usually caused by strains on the muscles and ligaments in the surrounding area. Sudden movements can cause muscles or ligaments to stretch or develop tears. The most common causes of chronic lower back pain are because of a disk tear, spondylolisthesis (daily wear and tear that comes with age and causes the spinal disks to form on top of one another leading to spinal nerves to be crushed), vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis, and scoliosis.

Symptoms and treatment of lower back problems depend on the severity of the pain. The most common symptoms are difficulty moving, pain that tends to be achy or dull, muscle spasms, and local soreness upon touch. Resting is recommended for a few days as this allows injured tissue or nerve roots time to heal. Although some rest is beneficial, too much rest can cause muscles to weaken and causing them to struggle in supporting the spine.

The use of heat and ice therapy is another common treatment practice. These polar opposites sensations help reduce pain by eliminating inflammation around the muscle tissue. A physical therapist will be able to decide which approach is best for you. Although some patients have seen success in decreasing lower back pain and reducing muscle spasms through the use of medication, it is not a cure-all solution as the medication wears off and the pain still remains.

If back pain continues for more than two to six weeks, or if pain reoccurs in a frequent manner. it is advised to make an appointment with a physical therapist. The goal of a physical therapist is to decrease pain and prevent the injury from worsening. A physical therapy program for back pain likely includes passive physical therapy to help reduce pain to a more tolerable level. Physical therapy programs also provide active exercises as this allows proper blood flow and helps keep the spine healthy by distributing nutrients into disk space and soft spinal tissues. If you are suffering from lower back pain, please feel free to give us a call at Island Sports Physical Therapy today!