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Physical therapy in Huntington

Ankle Fracture Treatment in Huntington

Ankle injuries are the most common type of bone injury. A broken ankle, or ankle fracture, means that one or more bones or ligaments in the ankle are damaged. Depending on how many bones are broken, ankle fractures may prevent you from walking properly. Island Sports Physical Therapy in Huntington works to help patients properly recover from and treat ankle injuries.

Some ankle injuries can be healed on their own within a few days. An ankle fracture, however, is more severe than an ankle sprain. Most cases of ankle fractures occur by twisting your ankle, falling, or playing a sport. Symptoms include swelling, severe pain, and bruising.

Treating ankle fractures include:

  • Ice to reduce swelling.
  • Immobilization of the foot.
  • Crutches and walking boots.
  • Pain relievers.
  • Surgery (If required).

When treating an ankle fracture, ice packs should be used alongside pain relievers to reduce pain and swelling. A splint may be worn if the ankle is not out of place in order to immobilize the foot. Crutches and walking boots are required for most severe ankle injuries since it allows the ankle to heal properly without moving it.

Some ankle fractures need to be treated surgically if the bones are out of place. X-Rays must be done in order to determine if the surgery is required or not. It’s only necessary if the ankle is unstable or has a compound fracture. The surgical procedure moves the fractured bones back into place. After surgery, the pain will typically subside after a couple of weeks. The average recovery time for a broken ankle is 6-8 weeks depending on the ligaments and tendons. It is important that you take your time when recovering from an ankle fracture and you shouldn’t put too much pressure on your foot for a couple of weeks after recovery.

ISPT in Huntington helps their patients fully gain strength back in their fractured ankles and work to help regain mobility and stability in their patients. Contact ISPT in Huntington to start the rehabilitation and treatment for your injury.