Chronic Shoulder Pain in East Northport

Physical Therapy in East Northport

Chronic Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is an intricate grouping of bones, muscles, and tendons that syncs up to allow the arm to move in any direction- east, west, north, and south. With so many factors in play, however, the surrounding soft tissue and bone structures are susceptible to injury which results in chronic shoulder pain. The varying degrees of this pain is pronounced with or without shoulder activity and may require professional treatment to completely heal.  

Understanding the causes of chronic shoulder pain warrants a view at the anatomy of the unique ball and socket joint itself. The three bones that make up the shoulder are the humerus (upper arm), scapula (shoulder blade), and clavicle (collarbone). The top portion of the humerus fits inside the shoulder blade port, known as the “glenoid” and is kept in place with the support of the surrounding muscles and tendons that make up the rotator cuff. While this loose fit allows for a wide range of motion, it also leaves the shoulder at a higher risk of injury.

The four main categories:

Chronic shoulder pain conditions can be placed in four major categories:

  • Tendon Inflammation or Tear– “Bursitis” sets in when the bursae- or tiny sacs of fluid that cushion the interaction between bones and tissue- become irritated. Shoulders can also experience tendonitis as well.
  •  Instability– This category centers around the shoulder becoming completely or partially dislocated from either overuse or sudden impact.
  • Arthritis– While there are many forms, “osteoarthritis” in the shoulder is the most common and involves general wear and tear of the joint.
  • Impingement– This condition occurs when the shoulder blade or “acromion” rubs against the underlying tissue. From this friction, bursitis and tendonitis can develop over time.

Contact us!

No matter the causes or symptoms of chronic shoulder pain, medical intervention is essential for a proper recovery. The friendly staff that makes up Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport is more than qualified to take on some of the most serious physical therapy cases. If you’re in the area and need to address any kind of chronic pain, don’t hesitate to contact us today.


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