Avoiding Heat Exhaustion on Long Island

With summer approaching, there are many fun outdoor activities to participate in. Although everyone will be itching to get outside and have fun it is important to do everything you can to avoid heat exhaustion during outdoor activities. Heat exhaustion happens more often than some people may think but it’s also easily avoidable as long as you follow some simple guidelines.

        One of the most important things to do is to make sure that you stay hydrated; this means drinking water at regular intervals even when you aren’t particularly thirsty. It is recommended that while participating in outdoor activities that you should drink 2 to 4 glasses of water every hour, you can even mix in a sports beverage instead of water in order to replace the salt that your body loses. When it comes to drinking fluids make sure you are not drinking beverages with alcohol in them because this can lead to becoming dehydrated even quicker. If you must drink, alternating between nonalcoholic beverages can help keep your body hydrated.  Another thing to make sure of is that the beverages you are consuming aren’t too cold because this can lead to cramping. A precautionary method that can be taken to avoid heat exhaustion is to limit your outdoor activity to the morning and evening hours this way it is still somewhat cool out. When you outdoors make sure to rest in shady areas regularly to limit yourself to exposure to the sun as well as to give your body a break. Make sure to also to wear protective clothing from the sun like a hat and sunglasses as well as to wear and reapply sunscreen throughout the day!

        The summer months are always the best out of the year, which makes everyone anxious to get outside and enjoy them, this is why making sure you are taking the appropriate precautions to avoid heat exhaustion while performing outdoor activities is critical. Heat exhaustion is dangerous and not something to be taken lightly, but following these guidelines, you’ll be able to enjoy your summer the right way and heat exhaustion free.

Knee Injuries

One of the most common types of knee pain in athletes, active teenagers, older adults, and people who perform physical labor is patellofemoral pain syndrome. Patellofemoral pain occurs at the front of the knee, in and around the kneecap. Physical therapy is one option that can be customized to fit any person’s situation to help fix and prevent future knee pain.

The first step in determining which type of treatment would be most effective is the evaluation of the patient. After the evaluation, the physical therapist analyzes the results and finds what would be the most successful exercise and rehabilitation program specific for each patient. The strengthening exercises that are used for the knee are targeted at the hip, knee and the ankle.

The physical therapist will continue to work with each patient to keep them active and to maintain their fitness level necessary for their recovery. If it appears that the knee pain is being caused by the alignment and position of a patient’s foot or arch, shoe inserts called orthosis may be an option. The orthosis can lessen the stress to the knee that is caused by excessive rotation as well as the impact that occurs during walking or running.

Two common treatments that may be suggested by the physical therapist to help protect the knees are strength training and functional exercises and electrical stimulation of the knee. Strength training and functional exercises are designed to increase the strength, endurance, and function of the leg muscle as well as support the knee and reduce the stress to the knee joint. Electrical stimulation of the knee is used to increase the strength of the leg muscles and to reduce knee pain. This is done through electrical impulses generated by a device and delivered through electrodes to stimulate the quadriceps femoris; the primary muscle that supports the knee.

Although there are other options to protect the knees from injury, physical therapy is a cost-effective treatment that improves flexibility and relieves pain. Physical therapy reduces the need for surgery and prescription drugs and gives patients the opportunity to partake in a recovery plan that is modified to their needs.

download (5)May is National Fitness and Sports Month

A lot of people don’t know that May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Founded by the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (PCFSN). National Physical Fitness and Sports Month were founded in 1983 by the Council with the mission to bring awareness to Americans to stay physically fit, eat well, and stay active throughout the month of May. By doing so, you’re promoting a healthy lifestyle for yourself and for others around you. And in the long run, those healthy habits that you develop could become permanent.

Island Sports Physical Therapy (ISPT) is proud to take part in National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, by promoting the importance of staying physically fit and active to its patients. With locations in East Northport, Huntington, Nesconset, and Coram, ISPT is dedicated to providing its patients with the utmost care that they need during their time of rehabilitation. Their highly trained, and compassionate team of Physical Therapists provide world-class treatment that you will not find anywhere else on Long Island. With a hands-on approach, ISPT specializes in Orthopedic and Sports Therapy, Spinal Rehabilitation, Geriatric Rehabilitation, and Personal Wellness.

In an article written by the department of Federal Occupational Health (FOH) called, Rise to the President’s Challenge…  Make physical activity part of your life, they mention that adults should be getting at least two-to-two and a half hours of moderately to vigorously physical activity each week. You can do this by spreading it out any way you desire, a half an hour each day, or one hour two days a week.

The health benefits of doing these exercises are excellent for your overall well-being. FOH states that by doing these weekly exercises you can help you maintain a healthy weight, lower your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, strengthen muscles and bones, reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and obesity.

Other ways you can stay physically fit and active is by joining a community sports league of some sort. Almost every community offers some sort of sports league that you can get involved in. It is a great way to connect with the people in your community, and also an excellent way to get in shape and keep yourself active. The FOH states that by joining a community league you, provide yourself with the opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirits, and it gives you a new outlook on a problem or project.

Not only are the health benefits of staying physically fit and active crucial to your physical well-being, but they are also crucial to your overall mental well being. Be active in your community and make a difference while at the same time improving your health. Your body will thank you in the long run.


Spring Sports Safety

Spring is here! It may not have been the winter that we had the previous year, but the long, cold winter months have kept us locked inside the house, and it’s time to get rid of that cabin fever and get back to being healthy and active! Spring is a very popular sports season and is a time for athletes to get back in shape and for us non-athletes to shake out the winter blues and get the body moving again.

Safety, however, is of utmost importance when playing, especially for younger athletes. Concussions can cause both short and long term issues, and sprains, tears, and even breaks can be common amongst the many sports popular during the Springtime. Baseball, soccer, lacrosse, and golf are some of the most played sports in March through June, and it is best to keep yourself safe so you can be on the field for the whole season!

Baseball may not be our national pastime, but it is still immensely popular at all ages, from Tee-Ball to your beer softball league. The biggest concern for baseball is concussions. The dreaded line drive back to the pitcher is one of the scariest plays in sports, and it is always best to use precaution and stay alert in the field. Although there seems to be a lot of standing around, baseball involves short bursts of speed and intensity, and your body must be stretched out properly to avoid any sort of strains or pulls.

Soccer is another common spring sport and can be a great way to stay healthy and active, but soccer players run the risks of a multitude of leg injuries due to the constant motion, so it is always advised to be well stretched out. Lacrosse is another sport where contact is a concern, and it is best to make sure all of your equipment is working. Golf is very popular for those who are older or do not have the time to play an organized sport, and you can keep yourself on the links by using proper swinging techniques so not to throw your back out.

Island Sports Physical Therapy wants to make sure you stay safe during this sports season, so be sure to always make sure you are doing your best to avoid injury.

Physical Therapy in East Northport

Gait training, or gait rehabilitation, is a form of physical therapy which helps people of all ages improve their ability to stand or walk after sustaining an injury or disability. Island Sports Physical Therapy, with locations in East Northport, Huntington, Nesconset, Coram, East Meadow, and Glen Cove, focuses on the individual first as they try to achieve their rehabilitative goals.

Fall prevention is one of the main reasons for gait training, especially for the elderly. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries in the elderly, and one-third of all Americans aged 65 and older fall each year. Gait training can be used as a preventative measure for older people who wish to remain independent or who live alone. Island Sports Physical Therapy can make sure you learn the correct movements and techniques to avoid falls.

Gait training is also used as a rehabilitative measure for people who may have lost the ability to walk due to an injury or illness. Gait training will begin once prescribed by a doctor as a part of a physical therapy routine. The patient will first be evaluated by the physical therapist to see if they are physically able to perform the movements of gait training. The physical therapists at Island Sports Physical Therapy will be able to give a patient an individualized plan of action to execute both in the home and at the office.

A person who has been immobile for quite some time may have difficulties walking again, and since gait training is exercising the cardiovascular system, the transition may be a little tough for those with walking issues. The physical therapists at Island Sports Physical Therapy realize that this can be both a physical and mental challenge, and are there to help you every step of the way towards your goal of improved or regained mobility.

Physical Therapy for Neurological Rehabilitation

Nervous system damage can be caused by various conditions or disorders such as stroke, Parkinson’s, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. Physical therapy for treatment or recovery, also known as neurorehabilitation, aims to help patients successfully overcome these ailments. The process can be long and quite arduous as some patients must either learn a “new way” to live, or slowly recover functionality that may have been lost due to the condition or disease. If there has been brain or spinal damage, neurorehabilitation aims to have the patient gain independence and help families cope with the change and adapt to this new way of living that physical therapy hopes to develop.

Neurorehabilitation uses the skills and abilities that have not been compromised by the condition or disease in order to find the highest order of independence possible. Damage to the nervous system can take away the most basic of functions for a patient, and getting them back to living a normal life the best way they can is the ultimate goal. Physical therapy can help patients find a way to live with the condition, find happiness, and regain lost self-esteem due to the condition or the disease.

The nervous system is repaired through increasing the patient’s well being while training or re-teaching patients various mobility, communications, or occupational therapies while aiming to restore the person back to a normal, daily routine. Neurorehabilitation uses a wide variety of different methods to do this, including holistic approaches, while focusing on nutrition and creativity in order to get the patient back on his or her feet. Speech therapy is also a big part of neurorehabilitation as these conditions or diseases may cause a patient to lose cognitive and speaking abilities, and with the advancement of science and technology, these therapies are helping people more and more with their recovery.

How to Do a Proper Warmup/Cooldown When Exercising

Exercising is a great physical activity, but it is just as important to warm up before and cool down after you perform your exercise as it could even help prevent you from injury. Warmups and cooldowns are also said to improve athletic performance, although there is no actual evidence. There is some controversy to these exercises, but they also don’t pose any risks to the user as well. Some people don’t prefer to do them because it takes time the hat some don’t have, but all it takes is a few extra minutes that could help you out in the long run.

Warmups usually involve performing the activity you are about to do at a slower pace and with reduced intensity. Warming up before the main exercise gets the body’s cardiovascular system working, and it also dilates the blood vessels ensuring that the muscles are well supplied with oxygen, and ready to perform physical activity. When preparing to do a warmup, you should focus on the larger muscles first, like hamstrings or quads, and go from there to the specific muscles you will use in your activity. It’s normal to start sweating a little while warming up, but you won’t feel fatigued and exhausted, that will most likely come after the main exercise.

Cooldowns are just like warm-ups, but you are in gradual recovery and the key is to lower your heart rate and blood pressure. The cooldown should last just as long as a warmup (5-10 minutes) to get you ready for the exercise as going at a slower pace will help bring your heart rate down gradually and you won’t feel like you will want to pass out right after exercise.

It is common to think that stretching and warmups/cooldowns are the same thing, but they actually are two separate things. Stretching should come after warmups/cooldowns when your muscles are still warm. Stretching can improve your range of motion against a joint and improve flexibility as well, thus improving performance too. Stretching also reduces the buildup of lactic acid which can lead to muscle cramps and stiffness.

Warm-ups and cooldowns when exercising will help loosen you up, as well as possibly preventing injury and help with your performance. It doesn’t take that much extra time to perform, plus you’re helping yourself out by helping your body. Try walking to and from the gym if it is close enough, that’s an easy way to warm up and cool off after hitting the gym. Stretching is helpful as well, but combining the three could really help you out, and make you feel better after a good workout!

Total Joint Replacement and How Physical Therapy Can Help

As you get older, you might need a total joint replacement in your hip or your knee, which will require surgery and physical therapy to help get you back on your feet and moving freely and independently. Physical therapy is an essential medicine that will get your muscles and joints moving and strengthen them as well. If you need this kind of surgery, you may be apprehensive at first, but a good physical therapist you will help you get back on your feet in your normal routine within several months. The process is not overnight, though, and is why sticking to your exercises and listening to your physical therapist is important in your recovery.

You will most likely start physical therapy shortly before the surgery so they can help familiarize you with the exercises you will be doing post surgery and to make sure you know how to perform them properly so you can train on your own as well. A physical therapist will help the patient learn to walk with crutches for after the surgery, will teach them how to adapt at home, and will warn them about possible precautions and movements to avoid. These preparations are common for total joint replacements, such as a total knee replacement (TKR). If you are in good physical shape prior to the surgery, it is better for you as you adjust to physical therapy and the various exercises to help you regain movement and strength.

Your physical therapist will help you practice walking in short distances after surgery, and continuing practice with a cane or crutches. After a surgery such as a total knee replacement, patients will usually go home after two or three days. Patients have to learn safe movements getting into and out of bed, and sitting down and getting up. Physical therapy will continue to train patients with exercises focused on flexibility. Your activity level should be increased after the surgery and moving on to exercises such as stairs with help push your body. One of the main goals by discharge is to have 90 degrees range of motion in the joint that you had the surgery, and will be taking less pain medicine once you leave the hospital.

If you remain on the schedule your physical therapist has given you, and you are practicing out exercise regularly, you will see a dramatic improvement in several weeks after physical therapy, and hopefully, you will be able to walk again on your own if you had a total knee replacement. Further exercises as you progress would be using a stationary bike to stretch your muscles and have further movement, partial joint bending, practice sitting up and standing, and step ups. If you progress enough, you will be encouraged to return to daily activities and regular exercise but avoid collision or impact based activity such as running, skiing, or basketball. Without a physical therapist and proper training, you would really be left to yourself to practice exercises and walking again. You could further injure yourself if you don’t know what you are doing, physical therapists are there to help you and keep you safe.

Physical Therapy for TMJ in East Northport, NY


Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ as it is usually referred to as is when the joint that connects the jaw to your skull becomes injured or damaged. TMJ can be caused by a number of oral issues, including trauma to the teeth or jaw, alignment issues, grinding of the teeth, stress, and even gum chewing and can cause pain in both the jaw as well as the rest of the upper body. Jaw-lock, ear popping, and headaches are just some of the uncomfortable symptoms of TMJ, and while there are at-home remedies which can help the condition, physical therapy may be your best option to solving the issue without any sort of invasive surgery.

Once you are diagnosed with TMJ, you should consult a physical therapist for help. If you live on Long Island, you can schedule an appointment with a physical therapist at ISPT for TMJ Therapy in Northport NY. Island Sports Physical Therapy offers constant hands-on treatments to all their patients. People are not aware that physical therapy can help cure TMJ, as it is usually reserved for those in the dental practice, but it presents the best option if you are looking to avoid surgery.

Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, New York, offers physical therapy for those with TMJ. A physical therapist will evaluate and diagnose your condition and will prescribe treatments to help you restore natural movement to your jaw while educating you on proper posture as it can make your TMJ worse. Common treatments for TMJ include exercises to strengthen the jaw and increase mobility, heat, ice, and ultrasound therapy, and training to correct jaw misalignment.

TMJ Therapy Northport NY

TMJ can be a very unpleasant condition and present many unwanted symptoms. Contact Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, New York, if you are looking for a noninvasive way to cure your TMJ.

Physical Therapy in East Meadow

It is an unfortunate reality that we are all bound to face an injury or experience pain at some point in our life. While the goal should be to prevent or avoid injury altogether, sometimes it may not be the simplest thing to do. If you are faced with pain or injury that is affecting your everyday life, it may be in your best interest to seek out the help of a physical therapist. Physical therapy uses exercise as a means of treatment as they are specifically designed to how your body is able to react with them while taking your fitness level and severity of your pain into account.

Physical therapy is often overlooked as patients tend to seek medication or surgery right away before weighing all of their options. Physical therapy is the most beneficial form of treatment simply because it provides a long term goal and targets all areas of the body while medication only provides short term relief. Surgery may not always be needed with a majority of injuries but it can provide a quick fix, and even if you go in for surgery, you will need postoperative rehabilitation to get the injured area back to normal.

Your physical well-being is very important to us and we will assist you in reaching your full physical potential at Island Sports Physical Therapy. If we imagine that our body is a machine, once we hit a point where one function is not at its best, the machine begins to slow. If we are plagued with an injury, our body is not up to its best as much of the energy is diverged into carrying out basic functions.

Island Sports Physical Therapy is a great place if you are an athlete as we specifically focus on helping you recover quickly in order to get back to the sport without ever skipping a beat. There may be a cause for concern if you find yourself experiencing pain that is frequently coming back after an extended period of time. The best advice we can give you is to stop prolonging the recovery process and visit Island Sports Physical Therapy so our world-class physical therapists can get you back doing what you do best!