Fall Sports: How Physical Therapy Can Help

As an athlete, one of the best assets you can bring to your team is your strength. In order to have that strength, it is essential to take care of yourself. Otherwise, you risk the chance of injury, which can be detrimental to your season. Over the summer months, we may not be regularly exercising or working out as much as we would be during the year. This can lead to a greater chance of injury once it comes time to get back on the field this fall. Rather than taking the risk, why not build yourself up instead to be the best player possible come game time? Luckily, Island Sports Physical Therapy in Huntington can help you out with that. While many of us think of physical therapy as a way to recover from injury, we often forget that it is helpful too when you just want to stay healthy! 

Benefits of Physical Therapy:

Below are some of the ways athletes can benefit from physical therapy in Huntington to stay game-ready this fall sports season: 

  • Injury Prevention – Everyone knows that physical therapy can be used to treat pain and discomfort, but did you know physical therapy can be used for prevention as well? By going to physical therapy in Huntington we can get an idea of what your current physical capabilities are, notice some areas in which they may be lacking, and improve them. 
  • Works your core – Your core is responsible for so many of the movements we make daily, especially in sports. By having a strong core, you will be less likely to get injured, you’ll look great on the field. and you’ll have better balance. Which altogether will make you a better athlete.
  • Stretches – As an athlete, your body works pretty hard to help you defeat your opponents. For that reason, it’s important to stretch your body. Stretching will allow your body to recover faster and put your mind at ease. Plus, stretching can improve your range of motion.
  • Education – In order to stay in shape, you have to work out. Although some workouts may be fairly easy, there are others in which bad form can put your body out of shape. Luckily, physical therapy in Huntington will teach and provide you with specific sports exercises and training equipment, along with guidelines on what works best for you and your athletic needs.

Schedule an appointment: 

It is important to remember that injury is never 100% preventable, but with the help of physical therapy, you can become smarter when it comes to your sport. If you’re interested in injury prevention or recovery services, contact us to set up an appointment to get started today!

physical therapy for tendonitis on Long Island

Preventing Common Running Injuries

Running is a great way to get your heart pumping and break a sweat. However, it is important to remember that injuries can occur while running if you aren’t careful. That is why our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy would like to arm you with the information needed to prevent this from happening. To learn more about how to avoid injuries while running and to discover what can be done for treatment should one occur, please continue reading.

Common Running Injuries

Although it is a great way to stay in shape and improve your overall health, running can be taxing on the body. The repetitive nature of this exercise can lead to pain and injury in various areas. Some of the most common running injuries a person can face include:

  • Runner’s knee.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Stress fractures.
  • Shin splints.
  • Ankle sprains.
  • Muscular problems.
  • Back pain.

Prevention Methods 

Nobody wants to have to spend their valuable time rehabbing from an injury. Luckily, there are steps you can take to avoid the need to do this. Our team of expert physical therapists are well-versed in this area and know exactly what you should do to stay out on the trail without issue. Below are a few examples of the top injury prevention methods for runners:

  • Always take time to stretch and warm-up before a run.
  • Only run in shoes that fit snuggly and offer proper ankle and arch support.
  • Replace each pair of running shoes after you’ve used them to run for roughly 350 miles.
  • When possible, avoid running on uneven surfaces.
  • If you are unable to run for any reason, don’t push it. Try walking instead!
  • If you begin to experience pain after a run, schedule a session of physical therapy to prevent the issue at hand from becoming a full-blown injury.

Physical Therapy 

As previously stated, physical therapy can be used to help prevent minor pain and discomfort from becoming a full-blown injury. However, in times when an injury cannot be avoided, physical therapy can also be used for treatment. Through the use of various stretches and strengthening exercises, our physical therapists can help facilitate healing in the injured area. Physical therapy is a non-invasive option that works wonders when it comes to preventing the injury at hand from becoming a recurring one. In addition to exercises, physical therapy treatment can also consist of:

  • Electronic muscle stimulations.
  • Manual/massage therapy.
  • Heat and cold therapy.

Contact Us

Don’t let an injury stop you from getting your exercise in. For more information about how to prevent common running injuries or to schedule an appointment for care, be sure to contact our team today!

Are you looking to reduce fat, increase your muscle mass and efficiently burn calories? Well, you may want to begin looking into strength training. It can help you develop stronger bones, aid in weight management, enhance your quality of life, manage chronic conditions, and even sharpen your thinking skills. This form of training can become a primary factor in maintaining one’s overall health. 

If you have decided to begin your fitness journey with weight training exercises, you’ll be pleased to know that it requires minimal equipment. Meaning you could even do these exercises in the comfort of your own home! If you are interested in starting a strength training routine but need some assistance on how to start, visit Island Sports Physical Therapy in Huntington. Our team can get you started with some simple instructions as well as teach you the proper ways to execute your workout.

  Continue reading Strength training for summer workouts

physical therapy in Huntington

Have you ever experienced knee pain that just doesn’t seem to go away? It might be time for you to consider knee debridement. When the body experiences a severe wound or a deeply torn tissue, the healing process is interrupted. In order to help the healing process along, medical professionals have to remove the ineffective tissue, which is known as debridement. There are a few different types of debridement that doctors can use:

  • Surgical– A surgeon cleans the wound, examines the debris or dead tissue, and removes it
  • Mechanical– using dressings or water techniques to clean the wound
  • Autolytic– using the body’s own enzymes and moisture
  • Enzymatic– using chemical enzymes in a topical ointment to remove the ineffective tissue or debris  

Continue reading Physical Therapy post Debridement

physical therapy in HuntingtonRehabilitation For Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis is defined as the immune system attacking myelin in your body, which covers your nerve fibers. Multiple sclerosis can potentially create permanent damage to the nerves, which can cause you to develop a tremor, experience numbness in limbs, or have double vision. Unfortunately, there is no way to cure the debilitating disease, but there are multiple treatments that can be used to manage recovery time from flare-ups and keep the symptoms under control. If you are seeking physical therapy in Huntington, NY, Island Sports Physical Therapy can allow you to explore a number of different treatment options.  

Continue reading Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis

Rehab Exercises For a Strained Hamstring

Although it is a very common injury (especially among athletes), not everyone understands the full details when you strain your hamstring. Your hamstring comprises three muscle groups on the back of your leg that allow you to bend your knee. When these muscles become strained, the body experiences muscle overload, usually caused by muscle contraction or shortening.

Not all hamstring strains are the same. One of the most painful hamstring strains is called an avulsion tear or a tear in which the tendon is no longer attached to the bone. Although essentially all hamstring strains are painful, physical therapy can help! Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Meadow offers sports specific therapy to help you get back on your feet.

Continue reading Rehab Exercises for a Strained Hamstring

Avoiding Winter Sports Injuries

As an athlete, avoiding injuries can be one of your main priorities. With darker days and colder temperatures, injuries can be more difficult to avoid in the winter than in the other seasons. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, we understand an athlete’s need to stay in the competition. That is why we’d like to offer the below tips to help you avoid getting injured this winter sports season!  

  • Always Stay Hydrated: Making sure you stay hydrated is an important way to avoid injuries in general. Staying hydrated can help reduce the risk of suffering from muscle cramps and allows your body to properly regulate its temperature. The colder weather may have you feeling less thirsty than you normally would after a practice or a game. However, your body will still need you to replenish the fluids that were lost during this activity.
  • Keep Up With Your Conditioning: The colder temperature can make working out and conditioning less than ideal. You may have the urge to skip out on that extra training session, but this could be detrimental to your overall performance. Athletes always need to be in peak physical condition to excel at their given sport. Competing when you are out of shape skyrockets the risk of injury occurring.
  • Warm-Up/Cool-Down: Though overlooked by many athletes, taking the time to warm-up and cool-down can make all the difference between a successful game and early exit due to injury. Especially with colder temperatures, your muscles can be tighter and more rigid moments before your game or practice is set to begin. Jumping right into action can lead to serious injury. By warming up, you allow the blood flow and flexibility in your muscles to increase. Being loose will also help to increase your overall performance. A proper cool-down is just as important. Taking the time to cool-down allows your body to properly regulate its temperature, eliminating the risk of experiencing dizziness or fainting.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wintertime is the perfect opportunity to partake in outdoor sports such as skiing or snowboarding. While the slopes may already be calling your name, you need to make sure you’re ready to participate. Dressing appropriately is imperative to avoiding injury. You need to dress not only warm but dry as well. Getting wet in the cold temperatures of winter will rapidly drop your body temperature and put you at risk for hypothermia. 

The wintertime offers a plethora of sports and activities that can only be participated in during this time of year. There are also a host of injuries you can suffer from as well.  The team at Island Sports Physical Therapy never wants an athlete to be sidelined as a result of an injury. If you have sustained one even after following our tips, be sure to contact us today to receive top-notch physical therapy as a treatment!    

Before the colder weather rolls around, it is great to take advantage of those warm summer days. When the sun is shining, it is hard to resist getting outside as part of your day to day routine. Running is one of the best calorie-burning activities you can do. However, with extreme temperatures, there are some risks for staying in the blazing sun too long. While the weather should not deter you from getting some fresh air during your work out, it is important you are prepared for the rising temperatures!

Continue reading Safety Tips for Running in the Summer Heat

Can Summer Heat Increase Your Joint Pain?

With social distancing guidelines set to linger for at least the next few months, this summer is sure to be unlike any we have experienced before. However, for some, the joint pain experienced will remain the same. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, we understand the relationship between summer heat and joint pain, and our team is here to help you take the steps necessary to overcome it.

Heat And Humidity

Those dealing with conditions that cause chronic joint pain, such as arthritis, know about the issues summer can bring all too well. But why does the seasonal change lead to increased amounts of joint pain in some people? The answer lies within the heat and humidity of the summer. This combination can cause parts of your body to expand, leading to limited mobility and copious amounts of pain. The tissues that are most affected by this occurrence include:

  • Muscles.
  • Tendons.
  • Ligaments.

What Can Be Done? 

You may think that there is nothing you can do about your summer joint pain. However, our team is happy to say that this is not the case. To best combat this problem, our expert staff recommends the following:

  • Manage your weight throughout the year to relieve pressure on your weight-bearing joints.
  • Try to stay active so your joints don’t get too stiff, a common cause of pain.
  • Putting extra emphasis on hydration will help keep your joints lubricated.
  • Stay in air-conditioned areas whenever possible.


If prevention methods offer no relief, there are still steps that can be taken to improve your summer joint pain. By utilizing the below methods, you can prevent your summer from being filled with joint problems:

  • Utilize the R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method on the affected joints to mitigate your pain.
  • Take over the counter pain medication or anti-inflammatories to help your symptoms subside.
  • Schedule an appointment with our team at Island Sports Physical Therapy so we can provide you with the care you need.

At Island Sports Physical Therapy, our team promises to always be there when you need us. If your summer joint pain continues to persist and becomes unbearable, be sure to contact us to get the care you need today!

physical therapy in East Meadow

Weightlifting Tips

Are you looking to expand beyond your typical cardio routine at the gym? Well, weightlifting might be just what you are looking for. It offers the same, if not more, benefits than your usual cardio sweat session on the treadmill. This form of resistance training can often seem challenging to someone new, but with some of these helpful tips, you can do it yourself! If you have been searching for physical therapy in East Meadow, contact Island Sports Physical Therapy. We have trained physical therapists available to help tailor a weightlifting routine that’s right for you. They can also assist you in getting more comfortable with performing these types of exercises. Continue reading to learn some useful tips for weightlifting:


Some helpful tips

Often, the overall goal when it comes to weight loss is to lose fat and maintain muscle mass. Weight training allows for you not only to lose fat while sustaining your muscle but it also helps to improve your metabolism as well. This combo makes weightlifting not only optimal for those looking to get super fit but also to lose weight.

Here are some helpful tips to know before you start implementing a weightlifting routine:

  • Don’t go too heavy – Meaning, don’t pick up weights that are causing you pain while trying to complete a full set. Try to start lighter and work your way up to a higher weight as you become stronger over time.
  • Balance is key – Make sure not to repeat the same weightlifting routine too often on a certain body part. Try scheduling a workout routine to keep your weightlifting balanced.
  • Warm up – Don’t just jump right into your weightlifting routine without a proper warm up. A five-minute warm-up will help allow your muscles to loosen up and perform better during your weight training.
  • Don’t let momentum take over – It’s easy to allow momentum to propel your lifts. This can defeat the whole purpose of weightlifting, making it too easy on your muscles. Try holding your lift for at least one to two seconds and then take a full two seconds to return to your starting position.
  • Keep mixing it up – Keep challenging yourself by changing your repetitions/sets, weights, or movements. This will help to shock your body and push it to its fullest capability.

It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t always have to spend that much time lifting weights to see results! It’s more about challenging yourself when lifting the proper weights that’ll help you build strength in your muscles. When you start physical therapy in East Meadow, our staff will be able to work with you to perfect your technique and make sure you’re executing your routine correctly.


How can Physical Therapy in East Meadow help me?

If you are interested in implementing a weightlifting routine and aren’t quite sure where to start, contact Island Sports Physical Therapy. We offer physical therapy in East Meadow, making it convenient to meet with and get the proper guidance from our trained physical therapists. We can also help advise you on how to prevent injuries that can occur while weightlifting. Don’t wait, contact us today to make an appointment!