Physical Therapist In East Northport

Strained Hamstring

Hamstring injuries are some of the most common but dreaded injuries by athletes. This type of injury can be quite debilitating, sometimes lingering for weeks at a time. At Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, we understand the nature of hamstring injuries in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent them from reoccurring. With locations in East Northport, Huntington, Nesconset, Glen Cove, East Meadow, and Coram, we are conveniently located to meet your needs.

What Are The Hamstrings?

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles that run along the back of the upper leg. These muscles work in concert with the quadriceps, which are the muscles in the front upper leg. Motion to lift the upper leg is created by the relaxation and expansion of these two major muscle groups.  

How Does Hamstring Straining Happen?

Muscle strain occurs when an extraordinary load is placed on the muscle, forcing it to work harder than usual. In the case of hamstrings, the following can cause straining:

  •    Muscle imbalance – The quads are naturally stronger than the hamstrings. Motion that demands more work can strain these muscles. A good example is fast backpedaling.
  •    Inadequate warming up – Sudden and violent expansion of muscle can cause injury. This is what happens, for example, an athlete puts on a burst of speed without warming up.
  •    Fatigue – Muscle expansion and contraction occur as a result of electrochemical reactions in the muscles. In fatigued muscles, this happens at a lower level. Working fatigued muscles puts a load that they cannot efficiently handle, which causes strain.

Straining and injuring the hamstrings can be avoided in a number of ways:

Dynamic Warm-ups

It is crucial to warm-up before any game or runs. This makes the hamstrings more flexible and pliable to sudden and explosive movements. At Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, we can show you proper warm-up exercises in order to prevent hamstring strains. Below are some examples:  

  •    Back muscles warm-ups – Back muscles and hamstrings share the load in the lower body.  Warming up the back muscles benefits the hamstrings as well. These exercises include lumbar rotation, flexion, and side flexion stretches.
  •    Glute muscles – The muscles in the buttocks help anchor the hamstrings. These can be warmed up by basic glute stretches and foam roller stretch exercises.
  •   Nerve warm-up – This involves warming up the nervous system that causes the correct firing of the hamstrings. Slump leg stretches and swings are ideal for nerve warm up.

Correct training

This involves training the hamstrings to be more active in concert with the quads, making them stronger. Exercises that can help with this include body bridges and drinking bird exercises.

Adequate rest and recovery

This allows the hamstring muscle cells to repair and rebuild. A good recovery program involves adequate hydration, nutrition, and sleep. Ice compresses can be used on fatigued and strained muscles. Strained hamstrings should be left to rest using a crutch if possible, to avoid further injury.

At Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, we can help you improve your overall condition. To make an appointment, contact us today!

Physical Therapy In East Northport

Shoulder Injuries In Baseball Players

Any set back where an athlete is unable to play or practice their sport can be detrimental to their future career. Shoulder injuries in aspiring baseball players are important to treat immediately so the athlete is able to make a speedy recovery. At Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, Huntington, Glen Cove, East Meadow, Nesconset, and Coram, we understand the importance of not only a quick recovery but also a fully healed and improved shoulder.

Overhand throwing which is a large component of baseball, places a high amount of stress on the shoulder. At Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport, our physical therapists have found that specifically, this stress targets the scapula, humerus, and clavicle. In baseball, pitching is the most common cause of shoulder injuries due to the nature of throwing as well as the speed and repetitiveness of the activity.

Shoulder fatigue is a common symptom in baseball players. Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport has found that pitchers and baseball players, in general, can loosen the ligaments that attach the shoulder to the muscles. This causes the joint to lose its stability and this can ultimately cause a shoulder injury in the baseball player.

Treatment options:

Island Sports Physical Therapy’s team of physical therapists recommend that when an aspiring baseball player has a shoulder injury, they should treat the injury with these tips:

  • Ice the injury
  • Rest the injury
  • Stretch the shoulder and perform shoulder exercises under the guidance of a physical therapist
  • Surgery – If the injury does not improve with physical therapy and at-home care.

Island Sports Physical Therapy uses physical therapy techniques to restore the shoulder, however, depending on the severity of the injury it may require surgery. If you are an aspiring baseball player and are suffering from a shoulder injury schedule an appointment at Island Sports Physical Therapy in East Northport to ensure that you are able to get back in the game as soon as possible. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy located in East Northport, Huntington, Glen Cove, East Meadow, Nesconset, and Coram, our patients are our main concern. To schedule an appointment please call 631-462-9595 or click here to schedule an appointment online.

Long Island Softball Sports Training

Long Island Softball Sports Training

Long Island Softball Sports Training

Softball season is here! If you or your child plays softball, you need to make sure you are physically ready for the sport. At Island Sports Physical Therapy, our Long Island softball sports training will help you to prevent softball injuries as well as improve overall performance. Through a wide variety of activities, you will learn proper and efficient motioning in order to reduce the chance of injury.

If you or your child has suffered a softball-related injury, Island Sports Physical Therapy can also treat it. We can give you an evaluation, and determine which areas of your body need attention.

The most common softball injuries occur in the:

  • Back
  • Wrist
  • Hand
  • Shoulder
  • Knee
  • Ankle

These injuries often vary from each field position as overuse of specific joints and body regions is a common culprit. For pitchers, shoulder tendinitis is common, while catchers may develop back and knee problems. Position players can suffer from shoulder and elbow problems. No matter which of these injuries you or your child suffers from, rest and ice are beneficial for reducing pain. If pain and discomfort persist, our physical therapists on Long Island can show you what exercises are best for you, in regards to reducing the pain and increasing the range of motion.

Another common softball injury is ankle sprains. These happen often from quick stops and starts of base running, but they usually happen from sliding onto the bases. If your child suffers an ankle sprain, it is important to let the ankle rest. We at Island Sports Physical Therapy can show you the proper rehabilitation techniques for your sprained ankle.

With our Long Island softball sports training, you thankfully do not have to travel far to find the proper care for any sports-related injuries you or your child might have. With locations in Nassau and Suffolk, we are poised to serve any and all of your sports-related needs. We want to ensure you or your child a safe upcoming season. Contact us today!

physical therapist in East Northport

Common Swimming Injuries

Swimming can be a fun activity or sport to participate in, however, it is also one of the most physically exhausting as well and as a result, there are a number of common injuries that can occur from swimming. If you feel that you may have sustained an injury from swimming contacting a physical therapist is a good place to start. If you are looking for physical therapy in East Northport, Island Sports Physical Therapy is here to help with any injury that you may have sustained from swimming.

There are a number of different injuries that you can get from swimming, especially if you do so regularly. A few of the most common swimming injuries are:

  • Limited range of motion – if you are having a tough time moving your shoulder in a normal manner without pain or discomfort, you may need to contact a physical therapist in order to have them identify the problem and help you recover from it.
  • Shoulder pain – there are a number of reasons why shoulder pain can occur when swimming. One could be caused by overuse. Another reason could be a more serious reason such as a strain or pulled muscle or even a tear.
  • Swimmer’s shoulder refers to inflammation in the shoulder and can lead to limited joint mobility and weakening of the muscles. This can be caused by overusing or overworking the shoulders or poor or improper technique when training.

These common injuries are important to recognize and work to prevent. Be mindful of how you train and practice in order to prevent any downtime. If you are experiencing any of these common injuries you should contact a physical therapist in East Northport. Island Sports Physical Therapy has locations in East Northport, Huntington, Glen Cove, East Meadow, Smithtown, and Coram. Contact us today!


How To Ace Your Baseball Tryout

Baseball Tryouts

Are you trying out for the baseball team? Or is your child thinking of playing baseball this year, but is not sure where to start? Island Sports Physical Therapy is here to help you ace you or your child’s baseball tryout. Aside from helping you prepare mentally and physically, we will assist you in making sure you’re ready for the season.

One important thing to remember first is wearing the right gear. Wear baseball pants, a light athletic shirt, and a forward-facing baseball cap. If you show up looking the part and wearing the proper gear, this will ensure the coach knows you are serious about playing. First impressions are always important, so also be sure to bring the right equipment as well clothes. Make sure that your equipment is in good condition because using worn-out equipment can hinder your safety as well as others. Also, be sure that you or your child’s baseball bat is the right size, making sure that the baseball bat is proportional to height, weight, and arm length.

Aside from showing up to try out with the right clothing, you should also show up with the attitude. If you or your child gets performance anxiety in sports, seeking social approval is what often leads to failure. Instead, focus on the positive and do the best that you can.  Perfection is great but even professional players make mistakes.

If you are worried about you or your child’s sports performance, here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, we will show you how to best prepare for a baseball tryout physically. With our sports-specific training, we can provide the right exercises geared towards your physical condition and the nature of the sport. Once we have given a fitness evaluation, we will be able to provide a custom-tailored solution to improve your game allowing you to have a healthier and more enjoyable season for everybody involved. Make an appointment today!

Staying Healthy This Winter

This winter, it’s important to take the necessary precautions and preparations to bracing the harsh conditions this season brings. Whether it’s ice or snow, this season brings many injuries that can seriously sideline you if you’re not being careful. One million Americans are victims of slip and fall accidents annually, injuring and incapacitating them. Staying healthy and safe this season can prevent the possibility of hurting yourself this winter. If you’ve been disabled by these winter conditions, you can get help from physical therapy in Huntington at Island Sports Physical Therapy, with locations also in East Northport, Nesconset, Coram, East Meadow, and Glen Cove.

If you’re looking to prevent injury and come out on top this winter, follow these tips:


Properly stretch before exercising

Because the winter offers a colder environment this time of the year, giving yourself a few minutes to stretch out your muscles can reduce the risk of tearing or pulling muscles.

Salt everything

Injuries related to slipping and falling are usually related to slipping on ice in your driveway. Salting ice-prone areas before and after snowfall will prevent the chances of an accident.

Use a helmet when playing winter sports

Sports like skiing and snowboarding are fast-paced activities that can result in falling. Wearing a helmet allows you to avoid any head injuries.

Change your route

If you’re running outdoors, be sure to study different routes and paths that you can take. Your usual path may be covered in ice, so it’s important to alternate your course to avoid slipping and falling.

A simple change in routine is all you need to properly avoid any injury this season. Ice and snow are obvious culprits for winter injuries, and whether it’s changing your exercise path or taking time to properly prepare yourself for the outdoors, simple precautions will help you for the long-term this winter. At Island Sports Physical Therapy in Huntington, we can treat your discomfort if you’ve recently been injured.

For more information, contact us today!

body conditioning for lacrosse on Long Island

Body Conditioning On Long Island

Lacrosse season is right around the corner and it’s not too late to get in shape. Lacrosse is a very physically demanding sport and having your body in the right shape is important if you want to be playing at your best. At Island Sports Physical Therapy we offer body conditioning for lacrosse on Long Island. Our physical therapists can offer their expertise to help you get in shape and stay in shape for this lacrosse season.

Here’s how body conditioning can help your game:

  • Improving your speed: by doing drills and exercises provided by your physical therapist. Improving your speed and acceleration will not only help you stay healthy and in shape but also will translate to on-field success.
  • Core strength: utilizing exercises like sit-ups, planks, and crunches will help your overall core strength. Core strength will help improve your balance, stability, and accuracy of passing and shooting on the field.
  • Plyometrics: Plyometric exercises can help you improve your strength and explosiveness. Strength and explosiveness are two key elements of lacrosse, getting stronger and faster will help you become a better player on and off the field, which will help you stay healthy and injury-free.

All of these techniques and exercises will help you get in shape and become a better player during the season. Island Sports Physical Therapy offers body conditioning for lacrosse on Long Island to help you perform at your highest level.

Lacrosse is a very physical game and to play the game you need to be in good physical shape in order to play at your best. If you are looking for body conditioning for lacrosse on Long Island, we at Island Sports Physical Therapy can help you by offering our expert services to get you in shape for the season and keep you going during the season.

sports related injuries

Preventative Tips and Treatment Options for Sports-Related Injuries

Playing sports and staying active helps to maintain a healthy and fit body, however, there are many injuries that may occur during sporting activities. Some of the most common sports-related injuries include:

  • Ankle Sprains
  • Shin splints
  • Stress fractures
  • ACL tears
  • Groin pulls
  • Hamstring strains

Most common injuries are muscles strains or pulls and stress fractures.  A sprain is a stretch or tear of any ligament, which is the tough bands that connect the bones in a joint. A stress fracture is an injury to the bone. Any sports activity that involves jumping, running or fast pace direction changes are prone to causing these injuries. These sports activities include football, soccer, tennis, basketball, etc. That is why it is important that if you are involved in these activities, that you be proactive when it comes to prevention.

How to Prevent Injury

Some injuries are out of our control, however, there are instances where sports injuries can be prevented. To reduce the risk of an injury:

  •      Do not overexert your muscles. Once a month, plan to have one “off day” every two weeks to allow your body to recover. Take the necessary time off.
  •      Wear the proper equipment needed for the sport. The equipment should be properly fitted in order to correctly protect the athlete. Such equipment like helmets, pads, face guards, and eyewear.
  •      Stretch and strengthen muscles before participating in the sport. Complete conditioning and stretching exercises that will help strengthen muscles used during the sport.
  •      Play safe and do not play through the pain.

Treatment Options

The treatments do depend on factors and the part of the body that is affected. General treatment options for any sports-related injury are the P.R.I.C.E approach.

  •      Protection. Protect the affected area from possible injury. (Use crutches)
  •      Rest. Avoid any physical activity and using the affected body part.
  •      Ice. Apply ice to the affected injury area for 15-20 minutes every 3 hours.
  •      Compression. Use compression bandages to reduce swelling.
  •      Elevation. Elevate the injured area above the level of your heart whenever possible.

If you cannot manage the pain, anti-inflammatory pain medications can help ease the pain. Once movement is back to normal on the injured body part, a physical therapist can help you regain strength.  They can develop corrective exercises to work on the affected area.

If you have suffered from a sports-related injury, contact Island Sports Physical Therapy today!

physical therapy in Nesconset

Fact or Fable?

It is common for people to experience changes in arthritis pain during changes in air pressure before a storm, but can colder temperatures affect your arthritis? According to a study by the American Journal of Medicine, colder temperatures affect the level of thickness in the body’s joint fluid. This increase in thickness is thought to possibly increase the stiffness felt in joints, increasing their sensitivities. The cold, wet season is when discomfort grows and people seek physical therapy in Nesconset.

It is important to pay attention to your body, especially when physical changes in your environment may be taking place. Although no studies yet prove that colder weather directly causes exacerbation of joint pain, there are notable correlations between the two. If you feel you are experiencing an increase in pain during these lower temperatures, it may be the season to take precautions and seek care from physical therapy in Nesconset. The following are additional measures you can take right now to minimize arthritis pain.

What You Should Do:

  • Bundle Up: Dressing in layers will help insulate your body with heat and minimize the cold’s effects on your joints
  • Added Heat: If layers are not enough to keep you warm, try an electrically heated blanket or wearing clothes straight out of the dryer.
  • Heat Therapy: Use a heating pad or hot stones directly on joints to relax muscles and soothe the pain.
  • Prevention: Before you enter the cold outside in the winter, stretch or do a few basic isometric exercises to loosen up beforehand.
  • Mental Hygiene: Keep up with breathing exercises, your sleep cycle, time spent in nature, mindfulness, affirmations, or any methods to improve mood. Physical pain from arthritis can be psychosomatic and can be alleviated or exacerbated by your state of mind.

Contact our staff for physical therapy in Nesconset. Here at Island Sports Physical Therapy, we offer various forms of orthopedic services to alleviate pain and help patients make progress.  

Winter Stretching

In cold weather, warming up your muscles is extremely important, as not being properly warmed-up can result in injury. Especially for winter sports, improper stretching or none for that matter will lead to cramps, pulled muscles, or possible tears. If you’ve experienced pain limiting your physical capabilities, Island Sports Physical Therapy and their talented physical therapists in Huntington, East Northport, Nesconset, Coram, East Meadow and Glen Cove can give you the right treatment to recover as soon as possible.

Why Stretching Helps

There are many reasons why stretching before working out is important for your health:

  • Stretching out muscles before your exercise is important because your muscles are cold and properly stretching pumps enough blood through your veins to literally warm up your body. Jogging or a brisk walk can be helpful pre-workout.
  • Taking part in some dynamic stretches not only keeps your body continuously warmed up, but allows your body to stretch out stiff muscles and joints at the same time.
  • Following dynamic stretches, taking part in static stretches, which usually involve holding a position for a 30 second period, can be helpful in targeting specific areas of the body to stretch out.
  • What most people forget to do after a workout is to cool down your body with a light walk or jog. This allows for the muscles to breathe and prevents tightness. If for some reason you injured yourself from a workout, physical therapy in Huntington can help you.

This winter, it’s important to properly prepare your body before working out in the cold weather. Taking a few minutes to warm up your muscles and joints will help prevent the chances of a torn or pulled muscle. If you’ve sustained an injury and are looking for treatment, Island Sports Physical Therapy in Huntington can help you get back to your daily life and eliminate your discomfort.


For more information, contact us today!